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Published 2024 - 2025

Annual Delivery Plan 2024 - 2025

Monitoring and reporting

We will implement a Performance and Improvement Framework to enable council to monitor the delivery of our identified actions and support the achievement of our agreed performance targets. The council’s monitoring and reporting structures have been designed to ensure proper oversight and accountability arrangements are in place, and to provide our management teams and Elected Members with assurances that our governance arrangements are robust. This helps to ensure transparency, accountability and drive continuous improvement.

We are committed to delivering high quality services and ensuring high performance at all levels of our organisation. This is aided through implementing robust monitoring and reporting processes and ensuring that our key corporate strategies and plans, aims, and objectives align and cascade down through the organisation. Reporting arrangements for the Annual Corporate Delivery Plan are detailed below:

Reports to Frequency
Corporate Management Team Quarterly
Strategy, Policy and Resources Committee Bi-annually
Full Council Bi-annually

Formal reporting arrangements are in place to ensure that the Annual Corporate Delivery Plan 2024-25 is effectively delivered in tandem with our Performance Improvement Plan 2024-25. Progress is monitored and reported on a quarterly basis to the Corporate Management Team (CMT) to ensure delivery remains on track and performance targets are being achieved.

Our CMT is responsible for the delivery and reporting of the statutory and self-imposed and indicators outlined in our Annual Corporate Delivery Plan and Performance Improvement Plan.

Updates are provided to the Strategy, Policy and Resources Committee and full Council by relevant Chief Officers at mid-year and end of year to facilitate appropriate scrutiny, challenge and evaluation.

We are also required to publish an annual self-assessment of our Performance Improvement Plan and statutory targets on the Council’s website by 30 September each year. This is supported by quarterly updates to CMT, the council’s Audit and Assurance Board and Audit and Risk Panel as well as the Strategy, Policy and Resources Committee to track progress regularly throughout the year.

The Audit and Assurance Board and Audit and Risk Panel are responsible for overseeing and monitoring the arrangements for performance management and to assure itself that statutory responsibilities are being met.

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