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Published - August 2024

Draft Irish Language Policy


  1. The Council will adopt a dual-language approach to signage in all its facilities. These signs will also include pictorial and tactile (Braille) options where possible.  
  2. The Council will, as part of a rolling programme, prioritise the erection of dual language signage in all of its facilities through a categorisation approach as set out in Appendix 2. For the purposes of this policy the boundaries of the Gaeltacht Quarter will be expanded to include the Glen Road and Shaw’s Road. For the purposes of this Policy the Gaeltacht Quarter is delineated in the map at Appendix 3.
  3. For the purposes of this Policy, signs includes all informational and directional signage within facilities, signage and names outside of buildings and also signs at outdoor facilities such as parks and allotments. It also includes interactive displays, educational aids, information leaflets and other resources.
  4. Translation for signage will be produced by an independent accredited Irish language translator and will be consistent across Council facilities, and will have regard to the proper use of standardised forms.
  5. The erection of street signs in Irish are dealt with separately under the Council’s Dual Language Street Signs Policy which was adopted in October 2022.
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