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Published - August 2024

Draft Equality Impact Assessment

Appendix 1: Categorisation of Council facilities for signage


Priority Level

Types of Facilities

Factors defining priority

1 (a)

Top Priority, to be completed first

  1. All BCC Facilities in the Gaeltacht Quarter;
  2. Parks, Playgrounds, Walks, Pitches & Local Leisure Centres in close proximity to Gaelscoils;
  3. City-Centre Facilities (City Hall, 2RA, Belfast Stories etc).
  4. City-Wide Family Resources (Belfast Zoo; Belfast Castle etc).
  5. City-wide resources being upgraded or New Facilities being built will automatically come into this category
  6. City Centre Public Realm Signage (street signposts)

*Where a facility ie a park, includes other Council facilities, all BCC facilities on that site will be upgraded at the same time (Example: Waterworks  Park, Playground, MUGA Pitch, Community Gardens, Walk, Toilets).

Census Demographics (Some ability in Irish per cent) - more than 15 per cent "have some ability" as per Ward

Proximity to Gaelscoil / Irish language group

1 (b)

To be completed after all Category 1(a) facilities have been upgraded

  1. Remaining facilities in Wards agreed for Category 1 (Car-parks, Public toilets, Open-Spaces, Greenways / Hills, Graveyards, Community Centres,  Recycling Centres / stations etc.)

Census Demographics (Some ability in Irish per cent) - more than 15 per cent "have some ability" as per Ward

Proximity to Gaelscoil / Irish language group

2 (a)

Medium-term urgency

  1. Parks, Playgrounds, Walks, Pitches & Leisure Centres in Wards with people between 15 per cent-5 per cent with "some ability in Irish" in 2021 Census

Census Demographics (Wards: Some ability in Irish 15 per cent-5 per cent)

2 (b)

Medium-term urgency (2)

  1. Parks, Playgrounds, Walks, Pitches & Leisure Centres in Wards/areas with people between 10 per cent-15 per cent with "some ability in Irish" in 2021 Census but which may form part of a larger area where there is little knowledge of Irish

Census Demographics (Wards: Some ability in Irish 15 per cent-10 per cent)

2 (c)

Long-term priorities

  1. Remaining facilities in Wards identified for Category 3 (Car-parks, Public toilets, Open-Spaces, Greenways / Hills, Graveyards, Community Centres, Dumps, Recycling Centres / stations etc.)

Census Demographics (Wards: Some ability in Irish 15 per cent-5 per cent)


Non-priority Facilities, to be actively considered when requiring a refurbishment

  1. Facilities (excluding city-wide resources) in Wards with less than 5 per cent of people with "some ability in Irish" as per 2021 census.
  2. Bins

Census Demographics (Wards: Some ability in Irish: Less than 5 per cent)

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