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Published - August 2024

Draft Equality Impact Assessment

Consideration of measures to mitigate

The draft Policy and the accompanying assessment of impacts are now being presented for consultation. The EQIA process requires that, if it is decided that the Policy is likely to have an adverse impact on those within one or more of the nine Section 75 categories then a series of mitigations or alternatives should be put forward for consideration, and an assessment of the possible impact of these alternatives undertaken.

The Council must then consider the adoption of measures that may mitigate the adverse impact and/or alternative ways of delivering the policy aims which have a less adverse impact on those within the relevant category or which better promote equality of opportunity and good relations.

The Equality Commission Guidance on this section advises that the Council should give consideration to options/measures that may mitigate any adverse impact, and to alternative policies that may better achieve the promotion of equality of opportunity. The guidance states:

‘The consideration of mitigating measures and alternative policies is at the heart of the EQIA process. Different options must be developed which reflect different ways of delivering the policy aims. The consideration of these measures is intertwined with the consideration of alternative policies. Mitigation can take the form of lessening the severity of the adverse impact.’

‘Ways of delivering policy aims that have a less adverse effect on the relevant equality category, or which better promote equality of opportunity for the relevant equality category, must in particular be considered. Consideration must be given to whether separate implementation strategies are necessary for the policy to be effective for the relevant group.’

The Council has decided to seek views on the draft Policy and proposals contained therein, along with mitigating options, through public consultation. The Council will collate and analyse all comments received and this feedback will be used to inform the final version of the Policy.

In reaching a decision, the Council commits to remaining open to feedback and is committed to responding in a positive manner to views expressed through the consultation process.


At this time, and prior to feedback obtained from the public consultation on the EQIA, the Council would maintain that the Irish Language Policy represents a positive and natural outworking of its original Language Strategy. and that will further the aims of the Strategy. At this time it is not felt that further mitigating measures need to be specified over and above those set out in the schedule of categorisation of council facilities (see Appendix 1).

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