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Published - January 2024

Employment Land Monitor Report


As part of the preparation of a new Local Development Plan (LDP) for Belfast, the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) for NI (September 2015) states that “a system to monitor the take up and loss of land allocated for economic development purposes should be implemented.”

The primary purpose of the employment monitor is to inform the formulation of the council’s new LDP. However, it will also help the council identify and track changes in the potential land supply across the city.

The information collated will allow a clear view of the overall progress in meeting the employment objectives of the emerging development plan and in identifying issues likely to require intervention.

The Planning Act (NI) 2011 requires the council to make an annual report to the Department for Infrastructure outlining the extent to which the objectives set out in the LDP are being achieved. Although the new plan is not yet adopted it is still important to report on the availability and take-up of employment land in advance of the full LDP adoption.

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