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Published - September 2023

Belfast Agenda

Continuing the Belfast Conversation​

Our first formal review of Belfast’s community plan, that is required under legislation, has found us in challenging circumstances. However, strengthened by the partnership working which came to the fore during the pandemic and in the spirit of turning crisis into opportunity, the time has proven right to build back better, drive recovery and look at ways to lever change.

To launch the review, we rolled out a “Continuing the Conversation” engagement programme citywide in two phases. The purpose of this was to reengage residents, city partners, stakeholders and organisations in a conversation on the community plan which would ensure their needs and aspirations remained at its core.

In Phase One we sense-checked our Vision, Priorities and Outcomes and you told us that you were happy that these stayed the same.

In Phase Two we looked at our strategic intents, the stretch goals we should use to measure success and the actions we should undertake to get us there. The rich and diverse feedback which we received has been shaped into this revitalised strategy and its accompanying action plans.

The Community Planning Partnership would like to thank every person who attended one of our workshops, contributed to the conversation online or submitted a survey. Your insight has been invaluable in shaping the refreshed Belfast Agenda.

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