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Equality and diversity

Equality and Diversity Framework

Published: 2017


Purpose of Equality and Diversity Framework
Strategic context:Belfast City Council working in partnership to deliver the Community Plan
Corporate context: Belfast City Council’s corporate plan
Framework priorities
Priority A: Leadership, Partnership and Organisational Commitment
Priority B: Understanding our communities through information and consultation
Priority C: Services accessible to all
Priority D: Skilled and diverse workforce

Purpose of Equality and Diversity Framework

This Equality and Diversity Framework runs from April 2017 until March 2021. The framework is a strategic level document outlining how we will promote equality and diversity in our ambitions to create a city in which people love to live, learn, invest, work and visit.

This framework also contributes to our compliance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Strategic context: Belfast City Council working in partnership to deliver the Community Plan

Belfast City Council is the city’s lead partner in Community Planning. The council is responsible for establishing the process of community planning and for ensuring the development and implementation of the city’s first community plan, The Belfast Agenda.

The Belfast Agenda seeks to improve the lives and wellbeing outcomes of all citizens in Belfast and to ensure the city is a place where people want to work, study, visit and invest.

The Belfast Agenda has identified five long term aspirations for the city:

  • Everyone in Belfast benefits from a thriving and prosperous economy

  • Belfast is a welcoming, safe, fair and inclusive city for all

  • Everyone in Belfast fulfils their potential

  • Everyone in Belfast experiences good health and wellbeing

  • Belfast is a vibrant, attractive, connected and environmentally friendly city

The Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 and the supporting statutory community planning guidance highlight the need to promote equality of opportunity as a key objective for community plans. The Belfast Agenda explicitly identifies ‘equality and good relations’ as one of its underpinning shared values and seeks to address key inequalities across the city.

This Equality and Diversity Framework outlines actions that the council will deliver with its community planning partners as part of the Belfast Agenda, through the community planning process, and how we mainstream equality and good relations in our actions.

Corporate context: Belfast City Council's corporate plan

Belfast City Council is committed to promoting equality and diversity in all areas of the work we do. For us, addressing inequalities is about what we can do to create a fairer society and recognises that equality and good relations are issues for us all.

We don’t all start from the same place and to create a fairer, peaceful society we need to recognise the diversity in our communities. We need to continue to consider how the characteristics protected by Section 75 may have on the life chances of members of all of our communities and better understand the relationship between these characteristics and the role that socioeconomic status has in creating, or contributing to, inequalities. Good relations is also an important area of our work, as we seek to increasingly be recognised as a city that values diversity and encourages civic participation.

This Equality and Diversity Framework sets out the actions to be delivered by Belfast City Council and demonstrates how we will utilise the framework to help us to respond to new thinking on equality outcomes and the new challenges.

Framework priorities

The Equality and Diversity Framework is built around four priorities in how we will tackle inequalities and promote diversity in our city:

  • Leadership, partnership and organisational commitment

  • Understanding our communities through data and consultation

  • Delivering services accessible to all

  • Developing a skilled and diverse workforce

Each priority includes a series of actions with a timescale, strategic owner and the equality and diversity-related outcome which should be achieved.

Priority A: Leadership, partnership and organisational commitment

We know that strategic leadership – both political and managerial – is key to improving equality and good relations outcomes, and promoting diversity. This organisational commitment goes hand in hand with working in partnership to make the best use of our resources in an ever challenging environment. Fairness in how we comply with legislation, procure goods and services and communicate with our rate payers will highlight Belfast’s growth as a diverse city.

Action Timescale Responsibility How this action helps promote equality and diversity Strategic owner
A1 Address inequalities through the Belfast Agenda 2017-2021 Community Planning Partners / Responsible Chief Officers Inequalities and barriers are addressed BCC Community Planning Partnership
A2 Embed Equality and Diversity in new Corporate Plan 2017-2021 Strategic Planning and Policy Manager / EDO Demonstration of effective leadership in promoting equality and diversity BCC
A3 Develop and deliver an integrated plan to tackle health inequalities across the cit 2017-2018 Director of City and Neighbourhoods Health inequalities are being addressed


A4 Deliver Disability Strategy
(encompassing DDA and DDO measures
2017-2021 City Solicitor/Head of HR Address inequalities faced by disabled people in employment, services and policies BCC
A5 Deliver an integrated plan to improve good relations 2017-2021 Director of City and Neighbourhoods/ Good Relations Manager Promotion of good relations BCC
A6 Develop an Age-Friendly Action Plan 2018-21 through HASP and deliver programmes of work supporting older people and encouraging Active Ageing 2017-2021 Director of City and Neighbourhoods Promote Belfast as an Age-Friendly city BCC
A7 Develop and deliver an integrated children and young people framework and work programme 2017-2021 Director of City and Neighbourhoods Promote participation and inclusion of children and young people BCC
A8 Deliver LGB Action Plan 2017-2021 Head of HR Address inequalities faced by LGBT people in employment, services and policies BCC
A9 Deliver Gender Action Plan 2017-2021 Head of HR Raised awareness of gender inequalities internally, in service design and our policies BCC
A10 Deliver Race Action Plan 2017-2021 Head of HR Raised awareness of racial inequalities internally, in service design and our policies BCC
A11 Deliver a city and neighbourhood  community safety programme 2017-2021 Director of City and Neighbourhoods/ Community Safety Manage We will work to make communities safer for all people BCC
A12 Develop the Equality and Diversity Network 2018-2018 City Solicitor/Head of HR Co-ordinate and raise awareness of inequality-related issues across the organisation BCC
A13 Implementation of Equality Scheme ongoing City Solicitor/EDO Compliance with the council’s Equality Scheme BCC
A14 Review and develop new Equality Scheme 2020-25 2019-2020 City Solicitor/EDO Compliance with Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act BCC
A15 Hold bi-annual meetings of Equality Consultative Forum 2017-2021 City Solicitor/EDO Policies promoted through consultation and engagement with equality groups BCC
A16 Review the role of the council’s external Equality Consultative Forum 2017-2018 City Solicitor/EDO Align Equality Consultative Forum with relevant consultation and engagement mechanisms BCC
A17 Scope option to develop an internal and external Equality Forum within the emerging Community Planning Partnership 2018/2019 Strategic Planning Manager/City Solicitor Collaborative approach to key inequalities CPP
A18 Develop and deliver a communications plan to promote equality and diversity in the organisation internally and externally 2017-2021 Corporate Communications Manager/HR/OD/ EDO Raised awareness and increased understanding of equality and diversity issues BCC

Priority B: Understanding our communities through information and consultation

Our society is becoming more diverse. Today it is impossible to assume we know the composition of our communities – we have to find that out through gathering information known as data. The prosperity and cohesion of all people and communities can be affected by age, gender, marital status; if you have, or have not, a disability or dependents, religious and/ or racial background, political opinion and different sexual orientations. It is also important to understand the different needs within communities, for examples there are many forms of disability, and like the other Section 75 characteristics, every individual straddles all of the groups in some way, with great differences, as well as similarities between socio-economic groups.

Consultation and engagement with our communities will also help us to understand their needs better and we need to use different ways of involving communities and neighbourhoods.

Action Timescale Responsibility How this action helps promote equality and diversity Strategic owner
B1 Develop an appropriate system to collect information about communities’ needs and aspirations. 2017/2018 Strategic Planning and Policy Manager/ Statistician /EDO Relevant, proportionate and appropriate information collected to inform decision-making BCC
B2 Services use relevant city data when developing policies and services 2018/2021 Corporate and departmental policy officers/EDO Available data will be analysed and used to shape policies and services BCC
B3 Develop a city dashboard to  share city data including  equality-related information between community planning partners and publish to citizens 2018/2019 Strategic Planning Manager/ Statistician Effective and efficient of sharing information between community planning partners BCC
B4 Establish an appropriate mechanism for Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) representation and facilitate participation of CVS in the community planning process 2017/2018 Director of City and Neighbourhoods/ City Solicitor/ Strategic Planning and Policy Manager Effective and efficient of sharing information between community planning partners BCC
B4 Establish an appropriate mechanism for Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) representation and facilitate participation of CVS in the community planning process 2017/2018 Director of City and Neighbourhoods/ City Solicitor/ Strategic Planning and Policy Manager Effective and inclusive consultation and engagement CPP
B5 Roll out corporate consultation and engagement plan 2017/2018 Strategic Planning and Policy Manager/Policy Officer Effective and inclusive consultation and engagement BCC


Priority C: Services accessible to all

Providing services, whether provided directly, procured or commissioned, remains central to what we do and through the Equality Action Plan this priority will be central to how we do business.  

Action Timescale Responsibility How this helps promote equality and diversity Strategic owner
C1 Demonstrated promotion of equality and diversity embedded in departmental business plans 2017-2021 All chief officers Promoting equality and diversity ‘designed in’ to service delivery and the planning of policies, projects and programmes BCC
C2 Support departments in carrying out equality screenings of emerging policies ongoing City Solicitor/ EDO Compliance with the council’s Equality Scheme BCC
C3 Annual reporting to the Equality Commission annual City Solicitor/ EDO Compliance with the council’s Equality Scheme BCC
C4 Advice and guidance for services to promote participation and inclusion for underrepresented groups ongoing City Solicitor/ EDO Our services are more accessible BCC
C5 Facilitated testing of website by people with different abilities, including online forms and transactions 2017-2021 Corporate Communications Manager Increased access to information and services BCC
C6 Benchmarking of website by an external 2017-2021 Corporate Communications Manager Good practice in providing access to information and services BCC
C6 Benchmarking of website by an external organisation 2017-2019 Corporate Communications Manager Good practice in providing access to information and services BCC
C7 Scoping development of a range of inclusive communication channels to meet different needs 2018-2019 Corporate Communications Manager Most appropriate methods of communications identified and supported BCC

Priority D: Skilled and diverse workforce

The ability to deliver responsive services to increasingly diverse communities will depend in a large part on the composition, skills, understanding and commitment of a workforce in how we build their capacity and understanding of the need to promote equality and diversity. Through the development of a workforce which is broadly representative of the communities it serves the council will deliver better outcomes for all.

Action Timescale Responsibility How this action helps promote equality and diversity Strategic owner
D1 Learning and development programme developed and delivered ongoing HR/OD, GRU, EDO / Services Increased staff awareness of equality and diversity issues BCC
D2 Mechanisms to monitor the diversity of the workforce and applicants are further developed 2017-2018 HR/OD Profile of workforce is broadly representative of the community it serves BCC
D3 Implementation of Organisational Development Strategy 2017-2021 HR/OD Organisation developed to deliver responsive services to diverse communities BCC


Abbreviations in tables are: 

EDO: Equality and Diversity Officer
HR/OD: Human Resources and Organisational Development
GRU:Good Relations Unit


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