Date: 25 Sep 2024
Category: City centre, Climate and biodiversity

Belfast City Council has launched its first Local Area Energy Plan – the first to be developed in Northern Ireland. Recognised as the leading method for translating net zero targets into action, the LAEP marks a milestone moment in the city’s transition towards a resilient, low-carbon economy for everyone.
Developed using cutting-edge whole-system modelling and extensive stakeholder engagement, the comprehensive road map capitalises on the city’s unique geographical characteristics and assets. Sitting on top of Sherwood Sandstone, the city has huge geothermal potential while an abundance of rooftops can generate solar energy.
Led by local government and developed collaboratively with key stakeholders, the Belfast LAEP presents a pipeline of priority projects including a district heat network, large scale retrofit of buildings, transition of oil households to low carbon heating and deployment of solar panels.
As a primer to collaboration and a catalyst for future investment across the sector and beyond, the transformational LAEP sits alongside other net zero investments such as Translink’s net zero bus fleet, Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s retrofit programme and the Energising Belfast project. With electricity and gas network operators gearing up to decarbonise at scale, the plan charts a path to net zero that is affordable, and if properly resourced, will create new opportunities for jobs and businesses.
Launching the LAEP to public and private sector stakeholders at Belfast’s historic Custom House, Chair of the Belfast City Council Climate and City Resilience Committee, Councillor Róis-Máire Donnelly welcomed the potential for the new plan to chart effective net zero investments while delivering social value for communities: “Now that Belfast has a detailed plan to reach net zero, next comes the commitment and investment required across the sector to ensure we can all thrive in a net zero future. The Belfast Local Area Energy Plan marks the beginning of a new chapter for Belfast’s energy system by championing collaboration and the collective action needed to address the climate crisis. As the city sets its sights on a low-carbon, energy-efficient future for everyone, this plan can unify key stakeholders in a shared endeavour allowing Belfast to become a leader in the journey to net zero. With strong commitments from both the public and private sectors to work together on these critical initiatives, the LAEP can ensure that the benefits of this transition are shared widely across Belfast.”
As part of the launch, Belfast City Council also announced the formation of a Net Zero Belfast Delivery Group to provide oversight and strategic direction for the delivery of the plan. Additionally, Belfast City Council is partnering with Energy Systems Catapult as part of the Belfast Net Zero Pathfinder Project, to progress two major decarbonization projects which the council was recently awarded £150,000 of Innovate UK funding to develop.
To find out more and access a copy of the Belfast Local Area Energy Plan, go to Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap for Belfast