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Equality screening outcome report

Car Use Policy

The Council has a statutory duty to screen. This includes our strategies, plans, policies, legislative developments; and new ways of working such as the introduction, change or end of an existing service, grant funding arrangement or facility. This screening template is designed to help departments consider the likely equality impacts of their proposed decisions on different groups of customers, service users, staff and visitors.    

Before carrying out an equality screening exercise it is important that you have received the necessary training first. To find out about the training needed or any other queries on screening, contact the Equality and Diversity Officers Lorraine Dennis on extension 6027 or Lisa McKee on extension 6310 or by email

The accompanying Screening Guidance note provides straightforward advice on how to carry out equality screening exercises.  Detailed information about the Section 75 equality duties and what they mean in practice is available on the Equality Commission’s website

The screening template has 4 sections to complete. These are:

Section A - provides details about the policy / decision that is being screened

Section B – gives information on the consultation process, supporting evidence gathered and has 4 key questions outlining the likely impacts on all equality groups.

Section C - has 4 key questions in relation to obligations under the Disability Discrimination Order  

Section D - is the formal record of the screening decision. 

Section A

Details about the policy or decision to be screened

1. Title of policy or decision to be screened

Car User Policy

2. Brief description of policy or decision to be screened

This new policy has been written to complement those provisions of the applies to all those who commence employment with Belfast City Council after the date of this policy and also employees who move to a new post after the date of this policy.

The criteria and procedures to be followed in relation to the designation of posts as casual or essential car user post are set out in the policy along with the criteria for considering if any Essential Car User (ECU) allowance is payable with a mechanism for regular review to ensure that any ECU allowances paid remain justifiable and appropriate.

The policy sets out the categories of car users, the conditions that must be met to receive the ECU allowance and the procedure for the submission of claims for reimbursement of mileage claims for business journeys carried out in the performance of duties.

3. Aims and objectives of the policy / decision to be screened:-

This policy aims to ensure that use is made of a private motor vehicle only when necessary and with a mechanism for regular review, it will ensure that any allowances paid remain justifiable and appropriate.

4. On whom will the policy / decision impact?

Who Decision impact
Staff Yes
Service users No
Other public sector organizations No
Voluntary / community groups / trade unions Yes
Others, specify  No

5.  Are there linkages to other Agencies/ Departments?


Section B

Information on the consultation process, supporting evidence gathered and has 4 key questions outlining the likely impacts for equality and good relations.

6. Outline consultation process planned or achieved

Consultation with management and the trade unions has taken place.  The trade unions agreed the policy.

7. Available evidence

What evidence / information (both qualitative and quantitative) have you gathered to inform this policy?  Set out all evidence below to help inform your screening assessment.

It is important to record information gathered from a variety of sources such as: monitoring information; complaints; research surveys; consultation exercises from other public authorities.

Section 75 category

Likely impact?

Level of impact?    Minor/Major/None

Religious belief




Political opinion




Racial group








Marital  status




Sexual orientation



Men and women generally











8. What is the likely impact (indicate if the policy impact is positive or negative) on equality of opportunity for those affected by this policy, for each of the Section 75 equality categories?  What is the level of impact?

Section 75 category

If Yes, provide details 

If No, provide reasons

Religious belief



This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any particular religious group.


Political opinion




This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any group of employees identified as having a particular political opinion.


Racial group




This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any particular racial group.






This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any particular age group.


Marital status




This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any group of employees identified as having a particular marital status.


Sexual orientation




This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any group of employees identified as having a particular sexual orientation.


Men and women generally




This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any men or women generally.






This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any group of employees identified as having a disability.






This policy is unlikely to have any impact on any group of employees identified as having dependents.



9. Are there opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity for people within the Section 75 equalities categories?

Section 75 category

If Yes, provide details 

If No, provide reasons

Religious belief




Political opinion




Racial group






Marital status



Sexual orientation



Men and women generally










10. To what extent is the policy likely to impact (positive or negatively) on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group? What is the level of impact? 

Good relations category

Likely impact? 

Level of impact? Minor/Major/None

Religious belief



Political opinion



Racial group



11. Are there opportunities to better promote good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?  

Good relations category

If Yes, provide details 

If No, provide reasons

Religious belief



Political opinion



Racial group



Section C

Belfast City Council also has legislative obligations to meet under the Disability Discrimination Order and Questions 12-13 relate to these two areas.

Consideration of Disability Duties

13. Does this proposed policy / decision provide an opportunity for the Council to better promote positive attitudes towards disabled people?


14. Does this proposed policy / decision provide an opportunity to actively increase the participation by disabled people in public life?

No – these procedures are intended as internal documents for the managing of matters which are discreet to council employees.

Multiple Identities Provide details of data on the impact of the policy with multiple identities

Specify relevant Section 75 categories concerned.

15. Monitoring Arrangements

Section 75 places a requirement the Council to have equality monitoring arrangements in place in order to assess the impact of policies and services etc; and to help identify barriers to fair participation and to better promote equality of opportunity. 

Outline what data you will collect in the future in order to monitor the impact of this policy / decision on equality, good relations and disability duties.


 Good Relations

Disability Duties




Section D

Formal Record of Screening Decision

Title of Proposed Policy / Decision being screened

Car User Policy

I can confirm that the proposed policy / decision has been screened for –


Equality of opportunity and good relations


Disabilities duties

On the basis of the answers to the screening questions, I recommend that this policy / decision is – (place an X in the appropriate box below)


*Screened In – Necessary to conduct a full EQIA


*Screened Out – No EQIA necessary (no impacts)

No adverse impacts have been identified by this screening for any of the Section 75 groups.


Screening assessment completed by (Officer level) -

Name:  Sharon Steele

Date: 31 August 2022

Department: City and Organisational Strategy

Screening decision approved by -

Name: Christine Sheridan

Date: 27 September 2022

Department: City and Organisational Strategy

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