Published: April 2022
- Introduction
- Our Services
- Inclusive Economic Recovery
- Community Recovery
- Environmental Recovery
- Strategic Planning Frameworks
- Organisational Foundations
Following the local government elections in May 2019, Councillors and officers worked collectively to develop a new ambitious 2020-24 Corporate Plan. While we continued to implement our corporate priorities, during the COVID Pandemic the organisation shifted focus to responding to and recovering from the pandemic. This Annual Delivery Plan 2022-23 therefore sets out the areas we need to focus on in the short term to steer the city recovery during the next phase of the pandemic, as well as building the foundations for sustained recovery. The plan is structured as follows:
Our services;
- Inclusive economic recovery;
- Community recovery;
- Environmental recovery;
- Strategic planning frameworks; and
- Organisational foundations.
Whilst ambitious, this delivery plan is focused on measurable milestones within 2022-23 that will enable progress reports to be brought to Committee on a six monthly basis.
Our Services
Key Performance information for Our Services
- Average processing time (weeks) for major planning applications [Statutory PI]
- Average processing time (weeks) for local planning applications [Statutory PI]
- per cent of Enforcement cases processed within 39 weeks [Statutory PI]
Key 2022-23 deliverables for each priority
Each priority within the corporate plan has been planned and resourced with in-year milestones to assure delivery is on track. The following list of deliverables will be reported on a six monthly basis to Committee to demonstrate progress and explain if progress has been delayed.
Strategic Priority | Deliverables (in year) |
Frontline Service Delivery | Delivering high quality and responsive services to residents across Belfast is the heart of what we do. Throughout 2022-23 we will work to re-open and enhance our delivery across a range of areas. Areas of focus and improvement:
Service Recovery | In 2022-23 we will: Activities to support the recovery of the City and services:
Port Health | In 2022-23 we will:
The circular economy and urban waste | In 2022-23 we will:
Inclusive Economic Recovery
Key Performance information for Inclusive Economic Recovery
- Number of jobs promoted through the Go For It programme [Statutory PI]
- Number of business plans developed
- Number of participants/businesses supported
- Number of social enterprises and cooperatives accessing support
- Number of jobs promoted through BCC employment academies
- Number of participants on Employment Academies
- Ringfence 10 posts to the long term unemployed and support applications via 2 employment academies.
- 12 temporary job opportunities created and facilitated
Key 2022-23 deliverables for each priority
Each priority within the corporate plan has been planned and resourced with in-year milestones to assure delivery is on track. The following list of deliverables will be reported on a six monthly basis to Committee to demonstrate progress and explain if progress has been delayed.
Strategic Priority |
Deliverables (in year) |
Belfast Region City Deal |
In 2022-23 we will:
Belfast Stories
Cultural Strategy |
In 2022-23 we will:
Inclusive Growth Strategy |
In 2022-23 we will: Embedding Inclusive Growth
Belfast Business Promise
Procurement & Commissioning Group
Community Wealth Building
Living Wage Accreditation
Social Policy |
In 2022-23 we will:
City Recovery, reopening the city and support for businesses |
In 2022-23 we will: Revitalisation Fund: Physical interventions
City Development and Investment |
In 2022-23 we will:
In 2022-23 we will:
Digital Innovation Programme |
In 2022-23 we will: Digital pillar of Belfast Region City Deal
Support Innovation City Belfast Board
Smart Belfast - Urban Innovation programme
Belfast Advanced Wireless programme
Data for innovation
Increase tourism spend through sustainable tourism products |
In 2022-23 we will:
Encourage business start-ups and support indigenous business growth |
In 2022-23 we will: Provide ‘Starting a Business’ services:
Provide ‘Growing a Business’ services:
Promote and market the city internationally |
In 2022-23 we will: Positioning the City to Compete:
Provide the Investing in Belfast service:
Belfast Dublin Economic Corridor |
In 2022-23 we will:
Future City Centre Programme and Belfast City Centre Regeneration & Investment Strategy |
In 2022-23 we will: Continue to progress the Future City Centre Programme and priority areas under the Belfast City Centre Regeneration & Investment Strategy including:
Belfast City Centre Regeneration & Investment Strategy (BCCRIS)
Regeneration Projects
Developer Contributions
City Infrastructure |
In 2022-23 we will:
Belfast Hills and North Foreshore |
In 2022-23 we will: North Foreshore
Belfast Hills (and Zoo)
Belfast Stories |
In 2022-23 we will:
Access, Connectivity, Active and Sustainable Travel |
In 2022-23 we will: Active Travel and Connectivity
A Bolder Vision for Belfast
City Transport Plan
Belfast Urban Greenways (BUG)
Sustainable Travel Initiatives
Belfast Bikes
Car Parking Strategy
Access to the Hills/ Connectivity Programme
Educational underachievement |
In 2022-23 we will:
Access to employment |
In 2022-23 we will:
Upskilling opportunities |
In 2022-23 we will: Strategic Partnerships
Community Recovery
Key Performance information for Community Recovery
- Number of projects completed.
- Value of projects completed.
- Value of external funding secured.
Strategic Priority |
Deliverables (in year) |
Good Relations |
In 2022-23 we will:
Peace IV
Urban Villages initiative
Neighbourhood Regeneration |
In 2022-23 we will: Neighbourhood Regeneration Fund
Physical Projects
Community capacity |
In 2022-23 we will:
Integrated services at a local level |
In 2022-23 we will:
Leisure transformation |
In 2022-23 we will: Leisure Phase 2b
Leisure Phase 3
Leisure Phase 4
Sports Development
GLL/ Active Belfast Ltd
Maximising housing development and regeneration opportunities |
In 2022-23 we will: BCC Housing Led Regeneration Programme
City wide strategic opportunities
Strategic City Centre Cluster Sites:
City Centre Living Vision:
Area Working Groups (with partners) Coordination of corporate approach |
In 2022-23 we will:
Physical Programme |
In 2022-23 we will: Current Programmes
New Programmes
Land Disposal
Land Acquisition
Environmental Recovery
Key Performance information for Environmental Recovery
- A capacity needs assessment completed by Sep 2022 with at least 100 Council staff and at least 20 Councillors completing climate training with at least 80 per cent reporting enhanced understanding and capability to integrate climate considerations in their work.
- At least 6 Climate Commission meetings and at least 6 meetings of each Working group held and minuted with actions completed for each group.
Key 2022-23 deliverables for each priority
Each priority within the corporate plan has been planned and resourced with in-year milestones to assure delivery is on track. The following list of deliverables will be reported on a six monthly basis to Committee to demonstrate progress and explain if progress has been delayed.
Strategic Priority |
Deliverables (in year) |
BCC Climate Adaption & Mitigation |
In 2022-23 we will:
City Wide Climate Adaption & Mitigation |
In 2022-23 we will:
Improve urban air quality |
In 2022-23 we will:
Strategic Planning Frameworks
Whilst our focus in 2022-23 is on recovering the city and the organisation, we must also be mindful of the long term ambitions for Belfast that we have aspired to. Significant effort will therefore be put into the long term planning frameworks that shape the economic, social, environmental and physical future of the city – our local development plan, the Belfast Spatial Planning Framework and our community plan, the Belfast Agenda.
Key 2022-23 deliverables for each priority
Each priority within the corporate plan has been planned and resourced with in-year milestones to assure delivery is on track. The following list of deliverables will be reported on a six monthly basis to Committee to demonstrate progress and explain if progress has been delayed.
Strategic Priority |
Deliverables (in year) |
Belfast Spatial Planning Framework |
In 2022-23 we will:
Build Partnership Working to Deliver the Belfast Agenda |
In 2022-23 we will: Belfast Agenda Review
Belfast Agenda Partnership
VCSE Panel & Network
Influence Key Regional Programmes and Strategies |
In 2022-23 we will:
Organisational Foundations
Key Performance information for Organisational Foundations
- 80 per cent of calls answered within 80 secs
- 10 per cent call abandonment
- Customer satisfaction score of 75 per cent
- Quality score 75 per cent
- per cent Agreed H&S and Fire Safety recommendations implemented - Corporate Total
- per cent H&S service requests responded to within 5 working days
- per cent scheduled Fire Risk Assessment Inspections completed
- Number of RIDDOR accidents
- Number of workplace accidents
- Staff Absence Rates (TBC)
Key 2022-23 deliverables for each priority
Each priority within the corporate plan has been planned and resourced with in-year milestones to assure delivery is on track. The following list of deliverables will be reported on a six monthly basis to Committee to demonstrate progress and explain if progress has been delayed.
Strategic Priority |
Deliverables (in year) |
Customer Focus Programme |
In 2022-23 we will:
People |
In 2022-23 we will: Senior Leadership Development Programme - next phase
People Strategy
Individual Performance Management
CHR review
Strategic Workforce Planning
Return to office / hybrid working model
Equality and Diversity
Data Strategy |
In 2022-23 we will:
Business Support Review |
In 2022-23 we will:
Continuous Improvement Programme |
In 2022-23 we will: Service Design approach
Existing pipeline of service design and reviews
Review of Internal Boards
Performance Management Framework |
In 2022-23 we will:
Business Planning |
In 2022-23 we will: Business Planning Process
EU Succession Funding
Improvement Plan
Asset Management |
In 2022-23 we will:
Medium Term Financial Strategy |
In 2022-23 we will: Efficiency Programme
Development of revised Medium Term Financial Plan
Member Development |
In 2022-23 we will:
Coll Report |
In 2022-23 we will: Implement the Council’s proposed actions in response to the Coll Report recommendations including:
Political Governance Arrangements |
In 2022-23 we will: Standards and Business Committee
Remote and Hybrid Meetings
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion |
In 2022-23 we will:
Language Strategy
Corporate Systems |
In 2022-23 we will:
Corporate Heath and Safety |
In 2022-23 we will:
IT Security |
In 2022-23 we will prioritise:
Contact us
Strategy, Policy and Partnership Team
City Hall
Belfast BT1 5GS
Email: [email protected]
Call: 028 9027 0234