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Applying for planning permission

Application checklist

Planning application checklist

We’re committed to helping our customers get a timely planning decision that benefits the city. To help achieve this, we want to make sure that planning applications are supported by the right information at the start of the process.

Having all the relevant information from the outset enables us to assess applications properly. If supporting information is missing, it can lead to delays or could even result in refusal of your application.

Our Application Checklist advises customers on what information they need to provide with their planning application. 

Application Checklist – phase four of new information requirements

From 2 May 2023, we apply the application checklist to these planning applications:  

  • all applications for Major development
  • all applications for Local development including householder proposals*, but excluding applications for Advertisement Consent

We have also introduced new information requirements to reflect the policy requirements of the adopted Belfast LDP Plan Strategy. These include: Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement; Affordable Housing Proposal Form; Climate Change Statement; Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement; Health Impact Assessment; Householder Design Statement; Housing Mix Statement; Marketing Statement; Masterplanning Statement; Specialist Housing Statement; Tall Buildings Design Statement; and Wind Energy Statement.

* householder proposals are domestic extensions, garages and outbuildings

You can find links to our application checklist on this page. If you would like a PDF copy, email [email protected].

Application Checklist

Our guide to the planning application process provides guidance on the information that you need to submit with your planning application.

The information will fall into one of the two categories:

  • Basic requirements
    This information is required by law and we cannot process your application without it.
  • Other supporting information
    Additional information we need to fully assess your application, which will give you a better chance of getting permission.

Information checklist

Our Information Checklist (Appendix 1) is a useful tool to help you identify what information you need to provide with your application. We ask that you complete it in all cases and submit it with your application as missing information can lead to delays or could even result in refusal of your application. You can request an editable PDF version of the Information Checklist by emailing us at [email protected]

You can cross reference with our basic requirements (Appendix 2) and other supporting information (Appendix 3) to help you.

Read the information checklist (Appendix 1) 

Basic requirements

Planning legislation sets out the minimum information that you must submit when making a planning application (see Appendix 2).

Without this information, your application is not valid and we cannot legally deal with it.

Appendix 2 provides a summary of the types of basic information that may be required with your application.

Basic requirements (Appendix 2)

  • Application form (link opens in new window)
  • Outline applications – confirmation of reserved matters (outline applications only)
  • Ownership certificate 
  • Site location plan 
  • Plans and drawings 
  • Pre-application Community Consultation Report 
  • Design and Access Statement 
  • Fee 

In most cases you will need to use a standard application form, available on the Planning Portal (link opens in a new window) to submit your application.

Basic requirements (Appendix 2) of the Application Checklist provides detailed guidance on what basic information you will need to submit. This includes a description of each of the basic requirements and which are needed by type of application.

Read the basic requirements (Appendix 2)

If the basic information is missing when you submit your application, we will write to tell you. We cannot deal with your application until the basic information is provided.

We strongly encourage you to submit your application online via the NI Planning Portal. Applications can also be submitted by post

Other supporting information

In addition to the basic requirements, we often require other supporting information to fully assess planning applications.

The level of supporting information will depend on the specific circumstances of the proposal including its scale, use and location.

The following table lists the types of other supporting information you may need to provide with your application. This does not apply to Advertisement Consent applications

Other supporting information
Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement Lighting Assessment
Affordable Housing Proposal Form Marketing Statement
Air Quality Impact Assessment  Masterplanning Statement
Archaeological Assessment  Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
Archaeological Field Evaluation  Odour Impact Assessment
Biodiversity Checklist  Parking Strategy
Biodiversity/Ecological Survey Phasing Plan
Climate Change Statement Planning Agreement (Heads of Terms)
Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement Planning Statement
Construction Environmental Management Plan  Retail Impact Assessment
Contamination Land Report  Sequential Test (Main Town Centre Uses)
Contextual Design Information  Specialist Housing Statement
Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment Structural Survey
Demolition Justification Statement Student Accommodation Need Statement
Drainage Assessment Tall Buildings Design Statement
Economic Statement  Telecommunications Supporting Statement
Employability and Skills Profile Transport Assessment
Event Management Plan Transport Assessment Form
Environmental Statement (EIA)  Travel Plan
Flood Risk Assessment Tree Survey
Health Impact Assessment Viability Assessment
Householder Design Statement Waste Management Plan
Housing Mix Statement Wind Energy Statement
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment








Other supporting information (Appendix 3) of the Application Checklist provides detailed guidance on what is required and when.

Read other supporting information (Appendix 3)

We will take a proportionate approach to requests for other supporting information. We will only ask for it where it is reasonable and necessary to enable us to assess your application.

If we believe any information in the table is necessary and you have not provided it with the application, we will write to you and ask you to submit it within 14 days. 

If you are unable to provide the information in time, we will arrange for the application to be returned (including the fee) so that you can submit it again when all the information we need is ready. 

If you choose to ask for your application to be decided without the necessary information, then there is a risk that it will be refused and we will not return your fee.

We strongly encourage you to submit your application online via the NI Planning Portal (link opens in new window). Applications can also be submitted by post

Pre-Application Discussions

We offer a Pre-Application Discussion (PAD) service so you can discuss your proposals with a planning officer before submitting a planning application. This helps to identity any issues at an early stage. As part of this process, you can clarify what information you need to submit with your application.

Find out more about our Pre-Application Discussion service

How do I submit an application?

We strongly encourage you to submit your application online using the NI Planning Portal as this allows us to deal with your application more quickly and efficiently.

Learn more about submitting an application

Amended plans and supporting information

If you are submitting amended plans and supporting information, explain in a covering letter what the changes are and why you are making them. 

We recommend you label the drawing with a revision number (for example, Revision A, B, C, D, and so on) and include a revision schedule on the drawing that shows: 

  • the revision number
  • description of the change, and 
  • the date it was made.


We are very keen to hear your feedback on our Application Checklist. If you have any comments or suggestions, let us know by emailing [email protected] or writing to us at the following address:

Belfast Planning Service
Ground Floor
Cecil Ward Building
4-10 Linenhall Street

Planning application process

For further guidance on how we deal with planning applications see our guide to processing planning applications.

Contact us

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