Last updated: 12 February 2024
- Foreword
- Purpose of this guidance?
- What is a Pavement Café Licence?
- Who may apply?
- Is the area you want to use suitable for a pavement café?
- Hours of operation
- Unlicensed pavement cafés
- Making an application
- Site location plan
- Licence fee
- Proposed café plan
- Details of the furniture
- Other information
- Consultation
- Can my Licence application be refused?
- How long will it take to process my application?
- Appendix 1: Suitability Criteria for Licence
- Appendix 2: Standard Conditions of Licence
- Appendix 3: draft public notice template
- Appendix 4a: Examples of pavement cafés layout plans
- Appendix 4b: Examples of pavement cafés layout plans
- Definitions
Under the provisions of the Licensing of Pavement Cafés Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, we may grant Pavement Café Licences. A pavement café licence authorises a person who carries out a business involving the supply of food or drink (in or from premises) to place furniture (such as tables or chairs) in a public area for use by customers, and we may grant pavement café licences on such terms and conditions and subject to such restrictions as may be reasonably specified in the Licence.
In June 2020, we introduced a temporary process for considering pavement café applications to assist the hospitality sector during the recovery period following the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. This scheme was extended and expired on 31 December 2023.
We have now introduced a permanent pavement café licensing scheme with a transition and implementation period up to 30 April 2024. This allows existing licensed businesses to continue to operate until the grant of their permanent licence is determined and after which temporary licences will no longer be valid.
The permanent scheme aims to be consistent in approach, with the good practice guidance used, with the rest of Northern Ireland, whilst taking into account Belfast specific issues or views.
The permanent pavement café licensing scheme has the objectives of:
- facilitating the controlled expansion of suitable premises, such as cafés, restaurants and pubs, providing small businesses with an opportunity to boost their income, in support of a vibrant daytime and evening economy and for the general wellbeing of the community.
- ensuring Belfast has well-regulated pavement cafés, having a positive effect on commercial environments, enhancing the attractiveness of local areas and contributing to an excellent visitor experience.
- encouraging pavement cafés while ensuring that they are properly situated and managed. There is scope to ensure they enhance the locality in which they are to be situated and not create undue noise or other nuisance to residents or neighbouring businesses. A key consideration prior to licensing will be that the pavement café does not obstruct the footpath or footway and does not present a hazard for pedestrians, particularly those with a physical or mobility disability, sight loss or who are blind, carers and people with dependants.
To implement the temporary licensing scheme we had produced guidance for applicants, based on the Department for Communities guidelines and supplementary guidance from the Licensing Forum Northern Ireland. In general, this guidance has proved effective, however following feedback obtained through our public consultation and ongoing stakeholder engagement, in particular with organisations representing people with disabilities, we have updated this guidance.
We consider this guidance to be a living document, which may be further reviewed as the licensing scheme is implemented, with more detailed information, diagrams and so on being included to assist applicants. Also, if Northern Ireland-wide guidance is finalised by the Department for Infrastructure we will revise our guidance accordingly.
It is not intended that this guidance should be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of the law which is contained only in the Act and Regulations made under it.
Includes tables, chairs, umbrellas, barriers, heaters, menu boards or other approved fittings.
Licensed area
A public area as defined on a plan approved by us as a pavement café.
Licensed period
The days and hours approved by us when the licensed area can be used as a pavement café.
Licensing Order
The Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996.
Pavement café licence
The permission given by us to allow the placing of temporary furniture on a specified public area for customers to consume food or drink supplied from the licence holder’s premises.
Public area
A place in the open air, to which the public has access, as of right and which is not a market area.
Public nuisance
Noise disturbance or other nuisance caused to local residents or neighbouring businesses.
Tapping Rail
Hazard protection to enable a person who is blind or partially sighted to detect a hazard projecting into an access route, in this instance the barriers enclosing a pavement café should have a tapping rail - The tapping rail should have a depth of at least 150mm and its lower edge should be no more than 150mm from the ground.
Temporary furniture
Furniture that can be removed from the pavement within 20 minutes (this includes the enclosing barriers).
Our power to Licence pavement cafés is contained in the Licensing of Pavement Cafés Act (NI) 2014 and associated Regulations.
Purpose of this guidance?
This guidance document has been prepared by Belfast City Council (“we, us or our”) to help business owners to prepare an application for a Pavement Café Licence.
This document is for guidance only and is not intended to be a legal interpretation of the legislation.
What is a Pavement Café Licence?
A pavement café licence authorises a person who carries on a business involving the supply of food or drink (in or from premises) to place furniture (such as tables or chairs) on a public area, most commonly on the footpath, for use by their customers.
Pavement cafés located on private land, for example within the curtilage of the site of the business premises do not require a pavement café licence. However, other statutory approvals may be required for such pavement cafés.
A licensed pavement café area will remain a public place and is therefore subject to all other legislation applicable to such areas, except for alcohol bye-laws in certain circumstances.
If the area outside my premises belongs to someone else and not adopted by DfI Roads, do I need a licence?
Yes. Each application will be considered on its own merits. You need to provide a copy of the landlord’s consent, lease or licence.
The area outside my premises is owned by me, but the public have access to it. Do I need a licence?
If you have clear control of access to the area, even though it may seem to be publicly accessible we may consider it to be private and a pavement café licence will not be applicable. However, each application will need to be considered on its own merits and if public access is completely unrestricted we may decide that a pavement café licence should be applied for. Contact us to discuss the proposed area with us before submitting your application.
Who may apply?
Any person or persons who carry on a business (in or from a premises) involving the supply of food or drink to the public, may apply for a pavement café licence. Businesses that can apply for a pavement café licence include cafés, restaurants, pubs, retail outlets providing refreshments, hot food takeaway, supermarkets with a deli counter and so on.
Is the area you want to use suitable for a pavement café?
Appendix 1 of this guidance document offers advice on what we will consider in assessing applications including:
- Pedestrian and vehicular access.
- Size and layout.
- Likely disturbance to other businesses or residents.
- Furniture design.
- Safety issues.
In general, the pavement café area will need to be set-up immediately adjacent to the premises. However, a Licence for a remote pavement café may be granted when:
- The proposed café does not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow, and
- The Licence holder is able to demonstrate that they will be able to exercise proper control and supervision of the remote pavement café area.
Hours of operation
We will set the days and hours of use for the pavement café area having regard to the location, likely disturbance to local residents, street cleaning or other businesses and representations from interested parties.
Licences will normally be granted for set hours between 7am and 11pm.
Where individual circumstances dictate that these hours are deemed unsuitable we may either extend or restrict the standard times as appropriate.
Hours may be set to reflect the normal operating hours of the business or any local restriction. If the premises is licensed under the Licensing Order for the sale and consumption of alcohol, a pavement café licence will not be issued beyond 11.30pm, regardless of the additional operating hours that may apply to the premises under liquor licensing legislation.
Unlicensed pavement cafés
It is an offence to place furniture (for the use for the consumption of food and drink) on a public area without a pavement café licence. We will take a graduated approach to enforcement in line with our Regulation and Enforcement Policy.
We have the power to remove any furniture placed on the pavement without a licence where we consider it necessary to do so, and may recover the costs reasonably incurred in removing and storing this furniture.
Making an application
Before submitting an application, read this guide thoroughly to check whether your proposal will meet all the criteria. You are also advised to contact us to discuss your proposals before submitting your application. This may help to minimise time wasted for applications which are likely to be refused.
When making an application for a pavement café licence you must also provide us with:
A site plan must be provided (preferably an ordinance survey map) showing the premises, the proposed pavement café area and the adjoining streets and properties.
You must pay the pavement café licence application fee of £225 when making your application.
Once your pavement café licence is issued you will also need to pay an annual £55 licence fee for years two to five of the five year licence period.
A plan, drawn to scale (minimum 1:100), must be provided of the proposed pavement café area, the streetscape and all utility services and street furniture including lampposts, bollards, fire hydrants, manholes, cycle stands, litter bins, bus stops, road crossings and tactile paving, public seating or benches located within the immediate vicinity. The dimensions of the proposed pavement café area must also be stated on the plan.
See Appendix 4 for examples of pavement café plans.
You must give us details of the number, materials and types of chairs, tables, umbrellas, outdoor heaters and so on to be provided in the pavement café. Some of this information can be included in the proposed café plan, however photographs or manufacturers, detailed brochures of proposed furniture or photographs of existing furniture would be helpful.
A pavement café licence does not permit food or drink serveries, fridges, ice cream machines, drink machines, BBQs, rotisseries or other products to be located within the licensed area.
Public liability insurance cover with minimum indemnity of £5m will be required. See our public liability insurance guidance note.
Premises licensed under the Licensing (NI) Order 1996 will be required to provide details of their Liquor Licence to assist us in processing the application and to enable us to notify the court if your application is granted. This is because the pavement café area will be treated as part of the licensed premises for the purpose of the Licensing Order.
Management Plan for remotely located pavement cafés
If the café is to be located away from the main premises or patrons or staff will need to cross a public pavement to reach the café area, then you must provide a management plan and risk assessment for how you will manage the remote pavement café and ensure staff and customers are kept safe
Applicants are required to fix a public notice to the premises on the day the application is made to us. The notice must be positioned so as to be visible to the public for 28 days. Interested parties can make representations to us such as an objection in respect of an application within this period.
You must complete the declaration on the application form stating that you have erected the required notice and that you will maintain it in place for 28 days from the date of application.
We suggest that you take a photograph showing the public notice in place and submit the photograph with your application to us.
A template for the Public Notice is provided at Appendix 3. We would urge all applicants to use this template.
It is also recommended that businesses discuss their proposals with adjacent property occupiers to inform them of the application.
In addition, we will make the application details available to be viewed by the public on our website until the end of the period allowed for representations.
When assessing the application, we will also consult with the following:
- DfI Roads
- The Police Service for Northern Ireland where the premises are licensed to sell alcohol,
- any other council departments, organisations or individuals as appropriate.
Can my Licence application be refused?
Yes, and tacit approval does not apply – you should not start operating your pavement café until you receive pavement café licence from us
Each application will be considered on its own merits. Due to factors such as visual impact, width restrictions, obstructions or heavy pedestrian flow it may not always be possible to accommodate pavement cafés in all locations.
As an alternative to refusing an application, we may suggest changes to your proposal to meet the licensing criteria and make it acceptable, such as by amending the size and shape of the licensed area.
If your proposal fails to meet the criteria and your application is refused by us, you will be informed of that decision.
Should an application be refused, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Magistrates’ Court within 21 days of being notified of our decision. Licence holders may also appeal a decision to suspend or revoke a licence or vary the area and Conditions of a Licence (as an alternative to revocation), or to limit the duration of a licence.
How long will it take to process my application?
We aim to provide you with a determination within six weeks from date of receipt of a valid application which includes all the required plans, liquor licence information (where applicable) and the public liability insurance.
If there are objections to the granting of the licence, or other input from consultees, this period may be extended to consider those objections or representations. If objections cannot be resolved the application will then be taken to a meeting of our Licensing Committee, at which objector and applicant can make representation, and the Committee will decide whether to grant or refuse the licence.
Appendix 1: Suitability Criteria for Licence
The pavement café must make a positive contribution to, and must be in keeping with the surrounding area, other buildings and public realm. Simple robust designs will be preferred, and excessive or elaborate detail or signage should be avoided unless clearly justified by the particular context.
A pavement café must never discourage the use of the footway by pedestrians or other users. It should not cause nuisance to adjacent frontages, or interfere with apparatus or access to apparatus on the footpath. To this end the applicant is expected to comply with all statutory requirements and obtain all necessary permissions before trading.
Size and layout
Each application will be considered on its own merits on a site by site basis, taking account of the characteristics of the site, the space available and the proposed layout of the café area. The pavement café will also need to be designed in such a way as not to compromise access where applicable.
Any pavement café design or plan should be compliant with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Department for Infrastructure criteria.
The licensed area should:
- Avoid conflict with the principal lines of pedestrian movement, particularly for disabled people, older people and those with mobility needs including pram and wheelchair users.
- Avoid conflict between customers going in and out of the café, passing pedestrians and those accessing neighbouring premises.
- Ideally be confined to the frontage of its own premises with close integration of internal and external activities, however this does not preclude a remote location.
It is not appropriate to set a standard size for pavement cafés. The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) will determine the appropriateness of pavement café applications, taking account of the site characteristics, the space available and the proposed layout, using their professional expertise following their own guidance documents.
For examples of pavement cafés and the plans required to be provided, refer to Appendix 4.
In order to safeguard the interests of pedestrians, particularly for disabled people, older people and those with mobility needs walking or wheeling or those with a pram, a minimum width of 2 metres clearance should be maintained on the pavement between the edge of the licensed area and the kerbside. It may be acceptable to reduce this to an absolute minimum of 1.5 metres in constrained environments to take account of limited obstructions such as a tree, lamppost or a street sign.
For some footpaths and areas of high foot-fall a minimum of 2 metres clearance may not be considered adequate. For example, in areas where people may congregate such as bus-stops, beside an autobank, pedestrian crossings and so on.
In pedestrianised areas a minimum of a 4 metres unobstructed route must be maintained to allow for pedestrians, emergency vehicle and service vehicle access. This unobstructed width may be increased in areas of high pedestrian or vehicular activity.
The proposed licensed area used must take into account other activities in the immediate vicinity (such as kerbside parking, loading bays, bus stops, emergency vehicle access, emergency exits, and pedestrian crossings).
Pavement cafes should not be located over or abutting street furniture such as benches.
Pavement café areas must not encroach on or restrict the approach and access to any road crossing, dropped kerb, tactile paving or any other infrastructure provided to assist those with sight loss or a visual impairment.
Where the seating area is adjacent to a road junction or vehicular access, 10 metres clearance should be left to allow for junction visibility.
Where an application contains a proposal to establish a pavement café abutting neighbouring premises, we would advise that the applicant should discuss their proposal with the owners or occupiers of the adjoining premises before an application is made.
It is important that no obstructions such as tables, chairs, menu boards, planters or barriers are placed outside the licensed area or left on the pavement or any part of the licensed area outside the approved hours.
Pavement café boundaries and enclosures
When in use, the licensed area should be fully enclosed by way of adequate screening, leaving only openings for access into the pavement café and to the premises itself.
There should be adequate space around the tables and chairs and other furniture provided within the pavement café area to allow customers to access the seating and the premises itself, including customers with disabilities
When you set out your pavement café, the first thing you will need to set up is the barriers surrounding the pavement café area. This needs to be done before any other furniture is taken out. At the end of the licensed period, the barriers need to be the last item you take back in.
This is because the barriers define the licensed area so setting them out first will enable people with visual impairments to navigate around the pavement café area.
You will need to ensure that the barriers are set up correctly, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The tapping rail at the bottom of the barriers needs to be set up so that it can guide cane users. The canvas separator needs to be secured.
Setting the barriers first will also enable you to check that the dimensions and layout of the pavement café are correct, making sure that the width required for people and/or vehicles to get past, as stated in your licence, is always available.
If the feet or base of the barriers are wider than the barriers themselves, these must be fully within the licensed area. They cannot be allowed to encroach on the width which needs to remain available for people and/or vehicles to pass.
You will need to check the barriers regularly during the day to make sure that they have not been moved and remain correctly installed.
When you take the furniture back in at the end of the licensed period, always leave the barriers to last as this will protect people with visual impairments who could otherwise walk into the furniture if it is not protected by the barriers.
Portable barriers must have solid/fixed horizontals and verticals (tap rail), with the upper and lower rails set at 1000mm and 100mm above ground level respectively. The maximum lower tapping rail height is 150mm Rope barriers are not considered suitable.
All furniture must be removed outside the licensed period and when the pavement café is not operating within the licensed period. The materials used should, therefore, be lightweight in construction and portable, but stable enough to prevent collapse if accidentally walked into or overturned by a gust of wind.
The design of the barrier should complement the character of the surrounding area and may be required to be of a specific design in order to maintain continuity along the street frontage. The colours and materials used for the enclosure should ensure that it is not visually dominant in longer views but will allow key elements to stand out against the background in close up.
Well maintained planters can be particularly attractive and could be used as part of the means of enclosure, but must be positioned within the licensed area. In certain circumstances, it may be possible to utilise existing street railings, planters and bins as a suitable means of enclosure.
Furniture and its storage
Furniture should be of a high quality, uniform in style, capable of being moved in and out of premises. Only furniture approved by us may be used.
Tables and chairs which can be removed (temporary furniture) should be provided in pavement cafes. Picnic benches are not considered suitable as they are not considered removable or easy to store.
In order to safeguard those with a visual impairment, it is important that furniture should generally be of one colour (preferably in black, grey or dark green) and non-reflective wherever possible.
- Metal furniture should be chrome, brushed aluminium or powder coated in a matte finish;
- Timber is acceptable;
- Plastic should generally be avoided but if used must be of a durable industrial grade with a matte finish;
- Parasols should be of the heavy-duty commercial type and suitably secured by purpose designed pavement weights to avoid being blown over.
All furniture items, such as menu boards and portable gas heaters need to be approved as part of the licensed area and details must be included in the application. Where heating is to be provided, this must be of a type suitable for outdoor use and shall be placed within the licensed area. If patio style liquid petroleum gas (LPG) heaters are to be used, they must be adequately secured upright, be fitted with a flame failure device and be maintained on a regular basis.
All furniture must be of a temporary nature that can be removed within 20 minutes at the end of the licensed period or when access to the area is required by any statutory body or in the event of an emergency. The application must explain where the furniture will be stored after the licensed period.
If the main premises operate for longer than the licensed period the applicant should give consideration as to where the furniture is to be stored, this should be made clear within the application.
Environmental implications and other requirements
It will be the responsibility of the licensee to keep the licensed area clean and the general area free of litter generated from the licensed area. Care must also be taken to ensure that litter does not stray or get blown further afield, during the licensed hours and at the conclusion of business each day. This will include the cleaning of spillages and breakages, especially of glass and crockery which must be cleared up immediately.
The conduct of customers using the licensed café area will also be the responsibility of the licensee.
All food premises should be registered with us.
The licence does not create or imply an exclusive right to use the licensed area. The licensee must be aware that we and other statutory bodies reserve the right to gain access to the street café area for cleaning, repairing and maintaining the highway or street furniture. Other organisations may also require access for the maintenance and repair of their equipment.
For some special events, such as a parade, concert or sporting event, you may, for reasons of public safety and security, be requested to remove all your outdoor furniture and equipment while the event is taking place, even if it is within your licence times. We reserve the right to suspend a pavement café licence temporarily if, for any appropriate reason, it becomes necessary.
The pavement café licence will not permit the use of musical apparatus, amplified music or loudspeaker equipment.
Entertainments licences for outdoor musical entertainments are not applicable to public ground such as that on which a licensed pavement café must be located. If you wish to provide entertainment, email or call 028 9027 0650.
Licensees must promote a safe, clean and generally welcoming environment in the pavement café area.
Licensees may wish to consider, for the convenience of their patrons, dividing their licensed café area into smoking and non-smoking sections, with each section clearly marked. Licensees are reminded that they must comply with the Smoke free legislation. If you are unsure of these requirements, email on for advice on the Smoke free legislation.
Safety and Control
It is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that the pavement café area and the equipment used complies with all appropriate legislation in relation to food safety, health and safety and alcohol consumption requirements.
Applicants are reminded of their duties, to carry out a risk assessment, under the Health and Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978 as they relate to the area and activities covered by the pavement café.
Applicants proposing to licence a café which is remote from their main premises or where customers and staff need to cross a public pavement to reach the café area, must provide a management plan and risk assessment for the pavement café detailing how it will be managed and supervised.
Appendix 2 contains our standard Conditions of Licence. These conditions will be applied to any licence granted by us. We may also place additional terms and conditions on the licence as and when we consider it reasonable and appropriate.
Planning Issues
You should also consider whether you require Planning permission. There are three reasons why you might need consent from our Planning Service and these are described below.
Planning permission for a change of use
Planning permission will be required for a change of use of the land if the pavement café is to be located on the public highway or outside the curtilage of the premises.
Planning permission for physical structures or alterations
Planning permission is not normally required for a pavement café with temporary furniture. However, planning permission may be required for proposals that are more permanent.
If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions then you may need to submit a planning application.
- Will any street furniture (such as tables and chairs) be permanently fixed to the ground? *
- Will there be any other permanent fixtures and fittings outside the building?*
- Do you intend to make any alterations to the shopfront?
- Do you intend to add a permanent or retractable awning to the shopfront?
- Do you plan to erect a permanent or fixed means of enclosure (such as a barrier, wall or railings) on the street greater than one metre in height?*
* Providing these will be contrary to the pavement café licensing scheme -nothing, including furniture and enclosures should be permanent / fixed to the ground. (If you propose a pavement café on ground you own rather than on public ground then a pavement café licence is not applicable, but you will need to apply for planning permission.)
Advertisement Consent
You may also need Advertisement Consent to erect any new advertisements. However, the regulations allow certain types of advertisement to be erected without the need for Advertisement Consent. Advertisement Consent is normally not required provided that:
- The advertisement is displayed for the purposes of identification, direction or warning, with respect to the building on which it is displayed;
- The advert does not exceed 0.3 square metres in area;
- The advert is not illuminated;
- No character or symbol is more than 0.3 metres in height;
- No part of the advertisement is more than five metres above ground level
Planning applications
Where planning permission or Advertisement Consent is required, a planning application will need to be submitted to our Planning Service for each type of consent. Each planning application is assessed on its own merits, taking into account factors such as the impact of the pavement café on the character and appearance of the area; amenity (such as noise impacts on any nearby residential properties); heritage (including impact on a Conservation Area, Area of Townscape Character or the setting of Listed Buildings); and highway safety, especially the safety and wellbeing of pedestrians.
Further advice
If you have any doubt about whether you need planning permission or require further advice if you know that you require planning permission, email or you can call 028 9050 0510.
Consumption of alcohol
Alcohol may be consumed in a licensed pavement café area where the main premises is licensed under the Licensing Order unless:
- the business is an ‘off sales’ as defined under Article 5(1) (b) of the Licensing Order, or
- we have prohibited the consumption of alcohol where it is likely that there would be disorder caused by permitting consumption of alcohol.
Appendix 2: Standard Conditions of Licence
The following are the standard conditions which will be applied to any licence granted by us.
Standard licence conditions that will be attached to licences issued under the Licensing of Pavement Cafes Act (NI) 2014
Standard conditions of licence
- The Licensee shall be responsible at all times for compliance with the terms and conditions of the Pavement Café Licence.
- The licensed area must only be used to place temporary furniture for the purpose of consuming food and/or drink supplied from the licence holder’s premises.
- The Licensee shall at all times ensure that the pavement café furniture is not placed outside the licensed area.
- The pavement café area shall not exceed the approved dimensions and shall be clearly demarcated by way of barriers, if required, as per the approved plan attached to the licence.
- The Licensee must ensure that clear routes along the footway/highway are maintained, considering the needs of disabled people, and that minimum footway widths and distances required for access by mobility impaired and visually impaired persons (as per the approved plan attached to the licence) are provided at all times when the licence is in operation.
- Only furniture permitted by the Council shall be used in the licensed area and such furniture shall be placed in accordance with the approved plan attached to the licence.
- All tables and chairs and other authorised furniture and barriers used in conjunction with a pavement café licence must be removeable which means that it is not a permanent fixed structure, and it is able to be moved easily (that is sufficiently portable so that it can be removed within 20 minutes) and stored away at the end of use for the day.
- The Licensee shall only place furniture on the licensed area on those days and during those hours as permitted by the licence.
- Any furniture provided in the licensed area shall not mark or damage the surface of the pavement.
- Adequate storage approved in writing by the Council must be provided to ensure that furniture can be stored securely when the premises are closed.
- The Licensee must ensure staff regularly monitor the licensed area, and the area immediately adjacent to it, to ensure it is kept clean, tidy and litter free. Any litter or waste arising from use of the licensed area must be cleared away a soon as is practicable.
- The Licensee shall ensure that adequate Public Liability insurance cover is in force to cover the licensed area and provide proof of that insurance upon demand by the Council.
- The Licensee shall ensure good order is maintained during all times the Pavement Café is open.
- The Licensee shall ensure that the pavement café is operated in a manner ensuring that there is no safety risk, nuisance, public health issue or detriment to amenity caused to other users of the highway or nearby premises.
- This licence does not in any way permit the playing of live or recorded music for the entertainment of customers in the licensed area.
- The Licensee will comply with any reasonable request from a duly authorised officer of the Council to remove such furniture and barriers from the licensed area as is necessary to facilitate the safety of the public, including the safe movement of vehicles, during special events. Licensees will be notified of any such special events at least 14 calendar days before the event where possible.
- Furniture shall be removed by the Licensee when reasonably required by the Council, the PSNI, emergency services or any statutory undertaker or utility provider.
- A pavement licence is granted subject to the preceding standard conditions. However, the Council reserves the right to add additional conditions to individual licences where it is reasonable and appropriate to do so.
Special events
A special event includes, but is not restricted to, an event such as a rally, procession, marathon or other sporting event or an open-air concert.
Appendix 3: draft public notice template
View a draft public notice for a pavement café licence application