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Roselawn bus service

  • Free bus service to and from Roselawn

    We offer a free bus service twice a month from Belfast to and around the grounds of Roselawn Cemetery and the City of Belfast Crematorium. The service is available on the first Tuesday and the third Friday every month. The service is only available to eligible residents. You must book a ticket to travel on the free bus.

  • Time-tables for Roselawn bus service

    The Tuesday service leaves the Spectrum Centre, 331 Shankill Road, at 9.45am. The bus returns to the Spectrum Centre at 12.30pm. The Friday service leaves the coach stop at Donegall Square West outside Danske Bank at 2pm. The bus returns at 4.30pm.

    Time-table for bus service on Tuesday

    Our bus service leaves the Spectrum Centre at 9.45am on:

    • 6 August 2024
    • 3 September 2024
    • 1 October 2024
    • 5 November 2024
    • 3 December 2024
    • 7 January 2025
    • 4 February 2025
    • 4 March 2025

    There is no free bus service on 2 April 2024, Easter Tuesday.

    Time-table for bus service on Friday

    Our bus service leaves the coach stop on Donegall Square West at 2pm on:

    • 19 July 2024
    • 16 August 2024
    • 20 September 2024
    • 18 October 2024
    • 15 November 2024
    • 20 December 2024
    • 17 January 2025
    • 21 February 2025
    • 21 March 2025
  • Eligibility to use the bus service

    The service is free to residents aged 50 and over living in the council's electoral area. The bus seats 15 people on a first-come, first-served basis. The bus also accommodates wheelchair users, if you inform us when booking your place.

  • How to book bus places

    To book a place on the bus, or for more information, call us on 028 9027 0296. Our staff will ask you to confirm that you are aged 50 or over. You must bring along proof of age when you board the bus as the driver may check. You may bring one companion with you, if you book for them, even if they are under 18.

    To help us plan our route, tell us when booking the number of the family grave or memorial trees you want to visit. If you don’t have this information, our staff can help locate it if you provide them with the name of the deceased person and their date of death.

  • Watch a video on bus service to Roselawn Cemetery

    In this 48-second video we speak to Arthur Blair who talks about the benefits of our bus service to Roselawn Cemetery.

Conditions of use

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