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Building control

Street naming and building numbering

  • Street naming and building numbers in Belfast

    We are responsible for the naming of streets and numbering of properties in Belfast. Developers, architects and estate agents can apply to us to name new streets. It's important that naming and numbering of streets is carried out at an early stage in a new development so that the new homeowners have the correct address when they move in. When the streets are officially named and numbered, we tell all relevant organisations. 

  • Street naming

    When do I need to make an application for a new street? 

    You need to make an application to us when the development starts on site if there will be a new public road leading into the development. 

    Who makes the application to Building Control? 

    The application for a new street can be made by the developer, architect, builder, housing association or (on very rare occasions) residents living in an unnamed street. 

    What documentation is required for a valid application for a new street name?

    You need to complete an application form giving a first, second and third choice for the street names. You should provide the reason for the proposed names, for example a link to the local history or geography of the area. You should provide:

    • two site location maps which can be either A4 or A3 size indicating the start and end of the road
    • two site layout maps showing the arrangement of the houses and their site numbers (these are numbers for the buildings on site and are not the property numbers)
    • the internal layout showing the entrances, floor levels and site numbers (if the development contains apartments)

    Maintaining street signs 

    When a street is created in a new development, the new street name signs are provided by the property developer to council specifications. We take responsibility for maintaining the street name signs. 

  • Building numbering

    Why do we number buildings? 

    Building numbering affects everyday life in our city. Building numbering, as well as street naming, have to be provided by law and, when made correctly, provide an easy method for identifying places for people who live here and also for visitors and people who work in the city. They also assist the easy identification of premises by emergency services, postal services and utility providers. 

    How are buildings numbered?

    Individual properties built on plots of land or existing buildings converted into new units will be numbered into the existing relevant street. If there is not a sequential number available, we will use the addition of letters (for example 2a). We will notify you of the numbering allocation we choose for your property. 

    Properties (including those on corner sites) are numbered according to the street in which the main entrance is located. We will not manipulate the numbering of a building to give it a prestige address or to avoid an address which is thought to have undesired associations. 

    Apartments are numbered not lettered, for example Flat 2, 21 Smith Street (not Flat A, 21 Smith Street), as letters are used for infill sites (a house or development which is built in the gap between previously erected properties).

    We have no powers to name a house or building. We, together with the emergency services, do not favour building names alone; a number easily identifies the relative location of a property in the street and is favoured by us and the emergency services.

    Where a property has a number, it must be used and displayed. Normally it should be placed so that it can be easily read from the public highway. 

  • Dual language street signs

    You can request a dual language street sign if you are:

    • an occupier of the street who is registered on the electoral role,
    • an elected member who represents that District Electoral Area or
    • a developer.

    Applications must state the language being requested.

    Applications will be dealt with in the order they are received and will be subject to a survey of the occupiers of premises in the street.

    Prior to any street survey being conducted each proposal will be subject to an initial assessment to consider any potential adverse impacts on the grounds of equality of opportunity, good relations and rural needs. The street will also be notified to elected members to allow any member of the DEA in which the street is located to identify any potential for adverse impacts on the grounds of equality of opportunity and good relations.

    Where adverse impacts are identified by the process, that information will be provided in a report to the People and Communities Committee to seek approval to proceed to survey.

    The street survey will involve a canvass of all occupiers of the street who are registered on the electoral role to seek their views on the request to erect a street sign in the  second language specified. Options for a response will be ‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘No preference’.

    If 15 per cent or more of all occupants surveyed in a street want to have a dual language sign in the language requested, we will provide a report to the People and Communities Committee for a decision to be made.

    If the People and Communities Committee approve the request for a dual language street sign, we will put it forward for approval at the monthly council meeting.

    If the request is approved at the monthly council meeting we will arrange to have a sign manufactured and erected. 

    How to apply for a dual language street sign 

    You can apply online for a dual language street sign. 

    Apply for a dual language street sign (link opens in new window)

    Or, you can request and return completed application forms:

    • by email [email protected] 
    • by calling 028 9027 0650
    • in person at Cecil Ward Building, 4 to 10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BP
  • Dual language street sign applications

    Status of applications

    Last updated on Wednesday 23 October 2024

    • Applications processed: 289
    • Streets approved: 147
    • Streets not achieving the 15 per cent threshold at street survey: 6
    • Streets or applications deferred by Committee: 5
    • Applications pending: 962
    • Number of individual streets in pending applications: 668

    Dual language street signs approved under current policy (July 2022 – present)

    The streets listed were approved for dual language street signs by the council on the date indicated.

    The translations have been provided by Queen's University who are our independent competent authority for translations in respect to our dual language street signs policy.

    • 2024
      • October 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Black Ridge Avenue Irish Ascaill Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Lane Irish Lána Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Terrace Irish Ardán Dhuibhise
        Brompton Park Irish Páirc Brompton
        Cliftondene Crescent Irish Corrán Cliftondene
        Grangeville Drive Irish Céide Bhaile na Gráinsí
        Herbert Street Irish Sráid Hoireabaird
        Hillman Court Irish Cúirt Hillman
        Ladbrook Drive Irish Céide Ladbrook
        Lagmore Glen Irish Gleann an Laig Mhóir
        Lupus Grove Irish Garrán an Fhaolchú
        Mulberry Park Irish Páirc an Chrainn Maoildeirge
        North Parade Irish An Pharáid Thuaidh
      • September 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Antigua Street Irish Sráid Antigua
        Brooke Close Irish Clós an tSrutháin
        Commedagh Drive Irish Céide Shliabh Coimhéideach
        Corrib Avenue Irish Ascaill Loch Coirib
        Finaghy Park North Irish Páirc an Fhionnachaidh Thuaidh
        Hazelwood Avenue Irish Ascaill na Collchoille
        Isadore Avenue Irish Ascaill San Iosadóir
        Kestrel Grange Irish Gráinseach an Phocaire Gaoithe
        Lagmore View Way Irish Bealach Radharc an Laig Mhóir 
        Mount Eagles Lane Irish Lána Chnocán na nIolar
        Ophir Gardens Irish Gairdíní Ophir
        Parkside Gardens Irish Gairdíní Thaobh na Páirce
        Salisbury Avenue Irish Ascaill Salisbury
        Slievegallion Drive Irish Céide Shliabh gCallann
      • July 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Wolfhill Avenue South Irish Ascaill Chnoc an Mhactíre Theas
        Legnavea Place Irish Plás Lag na bhFia
        Rosapenna Parade Irish Paráid Mhachaire Loiscthe
        Somerdale Gardens Irish Gairdíní Somerdale
        Whitewell Crescent Irish Corrán an Tobair Ghil
        Cliftonville Street Irish Sráid Cliftonville
        Dungloe Crescent Irish Corrán an Chlocháin Léith
        Somerton Road Irish Bóthar Somerton
        Black Ridge Green Irish Faiche Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Walk Irish Siúlán Dhuibhise
      • June 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Meadowhill Irish Cnoc na Cluana
        Glencolin Manor Irish Mainéar Ghleann Chollainn
        Glencolin Close Irish Clós Ghleann Chollainn
        Glenveagh Park Irish Páirc Ghleann Bheatha
        Ramoan Drive Irish Céide Ráth Muáin
        Garnock Hill Irish Cnoc Ghairneoige
        Naroon Park Irish Páirc Loch na Ruán
        Laganvale Street Irish Sráid Ghleann an Lagáin
        South Parade Irish An Pharáid Theas
        Willowvale Avenue Irish Ascaill Ghleann na Sailí
        Hamill Park Irish Páirc Uí Ámaill
        Black Ridge Hill Irish Cnoc Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Place Irish Plás Dhuibhise
      • May 2024
        Street Language Translation
        St Johns Avenue Irish Ascaill Eoin
        Tullagh Park Irish Páirc na Tulaí
        Corrina Park Irish Páirc Corrina
        Orient Gardens Irish Gairdíní an Oirthir
        Brookvale Avenue Irish Ascaill Ghleann an tSrutháin
        Oakhurst Avenue Irish Ascaill Oakhurst
        Suffolk Crescent Irish Corrán Suffolk
        Black Ridge Drive Irish Céide Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Grange Irish Gráinseach Dhuibhise
      • April 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Tullymore Walk Irish Siúlán na Tulaí Móire
        Innisfayle Park Irish Páirc Inis Fáil
        Helens Wood Irish Coill Héilin
        Brians Well Close Irish Clós Thobar Bhriain
        Hamill Grove Irish Garrán Uí Ámaill
        Holmdene Gardens Irish Gairdíní Holmdene
        Divis Road Irish Bóthar Dhuibhise
        Owenvarragh Park Irish Páirc Abhainn Bheara
        Black Ridge Meadows Irish Cluainte Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Manor Irish Mainéar Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Gardens Irish Gairdíní Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Way Irish Bealach Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Heights Irish Arda Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Court Irish Cúirt Dhuibhise
        Black Ridge Grove Irish Garrán Dhuibhise
      • March 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Cranmore Gardens Irish Gairdíní an Chrainn Mhóir
        Stewartstown Mews Irish Eachlann Bhaile Stíobhaird
        Mountainview Parade Irish Paráid Radharc an tSléibhe
        Mountainview Gardens Irish Gairdíní Radharc an tSléibhe
        Bingnian Drive Irish Céide Shliabh Binneáin
        Mizen Gardens Irish Gairdíní Charn Uí Néid
        Dermott Hill Road Irish Bóthar Chnoc Dhiarmada
        Marcus Ward Street Irish Sráid Mharcais Mhic an Bhaird
      • February 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Mount Eagles Glen Irish Gleann Chnocán na nIolar
        Emersons Lane Irish Lána Emerson
        Dunblane Avenue Irish Ascaill Dhún Bhláthain
        Floral Gardens Irish Na Gairdíní Bláthacha
        Cardigan Drive Irish Céide Chairdeagain
        Thornberry Road Irish Bóthar Thornberry
        Mill Valley Way Irish Bealach Ghleann an Mhuilinn 

      • January 2024
        Street Language Translation
        Dermott Hill Parade Irish Paráid Chnoc Dhiarmada
        Sunnyhill Park Irish Páirc Chnoc na Gréine
        Knock Eden Park Irish Páirc Chnoc Éadain
        Fruithill Court Irish Cúirt Chnoc na dTorthaí
        Tullymore Gardens Irish Gairdíní na Tulaí Móire
        Pineview Road Irish Bóthar Radharc na Giúise
        Hawthorn View Irish Radharc na Sceiche
    • 2023
      • December 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Ligoniel Place Irish Plás Lag an Aoil
        Mountainhill Road Irish Bóthar Chnoc an tSléibhe
        Norfolk Parade Irish Paráid Norfolk
        Ladybrook Grove Irish Garrán Shruthán na Bantiarna
        Greenan Irish An Grianán
        Alliance Avenue Irish Ascaill an Chomhaontais
      • November 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Cavanmore Gardens Irish Gairdíní an Chabháin Mhóir
        Wolfhill Gardens Irish Gairdíní Chnoc an Mhactíre
        Wolfhill Link Irish Nasc Chnoc an Mhactíre
        Millview Court Irish Cúirt Radharc an Mhuilinn
        Westrock Crescent Irish Corrán na Carraige Thiar
        Gransha Way Irish Bealach na Gráinsí
        The Manor Irish An Mainéar
      • October 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Stockmans Drive Irish Céide Mhic Giolla Stoic
        Whiterock Gardens Irish Gairdíní na Carraige Báine
        Dermott Hill Drive Irish Céide Chnoc Dhiarmada
        Dermott Hill Park Irish Páirc Chnoc Dhiarmada
        Linview Court Irish Cúirt Radharc an Lín
        Thornberry Glen Irish Gleann Thornberry
        Black Ridge View Irish Radharc Dhuibhise
      • September 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Mica Drive Irish Céide an Mhíoca
        Coolnasilla Park South Irish Páirc Chúil na Saileach Theas
        Haypark Avenue Irish Ascaill Pháirc an Fhéir
        Eliza Street Terrace Irish Ardán Sráid Eilíse
        Friendly Street Irish Sráid na gCarad
        Rossnareen Avenue Irish Ascaill Ros na Ríona
        St James Parade Irish Paráid San Séamas
        St Judes Square Irish Cearnóg San Iúd 
        Lagmore View Road Irish Bóthar Radharc an Laig Mhóir
        Ashgrove Park Irish Páirc Gharrán na Fuinseoige
        Mill Valley Road Irish Bóthar Ghleann an Mhuilinn
        La Salle Park Irish Páirc La Salle
      • August 2023
        No information available.
      • July 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Orchardville Avenue Irish Ascaill Orchardville
        Mayfield Square Irish Cearnóg Ghort na Bealtaine
        Hillhead Avenue Irish Ascaill an Mhullaigh
        St Meryl Park Irish Páirc Naomh Muirgheal
        Downview Park West Irish Páirc Radharc an Dúin Thiar
        Chichester Avenue Irish Ascaill Chichester
        Ballymurphy Drive Irish Céide Bhaile Uí Mhurchú
        Margaretta Park Irish Páirc Margaretta
        Airfield Heights Irish Arda na hAerpháirce
      • June 2023
        No information available.
      • May 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Lake Glen Drive Irish Céide Ghleann an Locha
        Lagmore Dale Irish Gleanntán an Laig Mhóir
        Iris Walk Irish Siúlán na Seileastar
        Abyssinia Street Irish Sráid na hAibisíne
      • April 2023
        Street Language Translation
        La Salle Drive Irish Céide La Salle
        Hopefield Avenue Irish Ascaill Hopefield
        Suffolk Parade Irish Paráid Suffolk
      • March 2023
        Street Language Translation
        Ardilea Drive Irish Céide Ard an Lao

    Streets not meeting threshold at survey and applications deferred by council

    • Streets not meeting threshold at survey

      The streets listed did not meet the threshold of 15 per cent of occupiers in favour of the proposal to erect dual language street signs.

      Street Language Decision date
      Belvedere Park  Irish December 2023
      Clovelly Street  Irish September 2024
      Kent Street Irish September 2024
      Knightsbridge Park Irish October 2024
      Leganoe Street Irish September 2023
      Melrose Street Irish October 2024
    • Applications deferred by council

      Applications for the streets listed have been deferred and will not be progressed further at the present time.

      Street Language Decision date
      Ballysillan Road  Irish December 2023
      Ben Madigan Park South Irish April 2024
      Ebor Street   Irish December 2023
      Sunningdale Park North Irish April 2024
      Wynchurch Avenue   Irish October 2023

    Dual language street signs approved under previous policy (1998 - July 2022)

    The streets listed were approved for dual language street signs by the council under the previous dual language street signs policy which was administered between 1998 and July 2022.

    • Number of streets approved: 229
    • Irish Language approvals: 227
    • Ulster Scots approvals: 2

    Translations for the Irish language approvals were provided by Queen's University, with a small number of exceptions, and the Ulster Scots translations were provided by the Ulster Scots Agency.

    • Approved under previous policy (1998 - July 2022)
      • Approved streets (A to C)
        Street Language Translation
        Altcar Court Irish Cúirt Allt an Chairthe
        Alton Street Irish Sráid Loch Altáin
        Anderson Court Irish Cúirt Andarsan
        Andersonstown Crescent Irish Corrán Bhaile Andarsan
        Andersonstown Park Irish Páirc Bhaile Andarsan
        Andersonstown Road Irish Bóthar Bhaile Andarsan
        Antrim Street Irish Sráid Aontroma
        Ardilea Close Irish Clós Ard an Lao
        Ardmonagh Gardens Irish Gairdíní Ard na Móna
        Ardmonagh Parade Irish Paráid Ard na Móna
        Arnon Street Irish Sráid Earnáin
        Arran Court Irish Cúirt Árann
        Arran Street Irish Sráid Árann
        Artana Street Irish Sráid na hArdtamhnaí
        Avoca Close Irish Clós Abhóca
        Balfour Avenue Irish Ascaill Bhaile Phúir
        Ballaghbeg Irish An Bealach Beag
        Ballymurphy Parade Irish Paráid Bhaile Uí Mhurchú
        Bantry Street Irish Sráid Bheanntraí
        Beechfield Street Irish Sráid Pháirc na Feá
        Beechmount Avenue Irish Ascaill Ard na bhFeá
        Beechmount Drive Irish Céide Ard na bhFeá
        Belfield Heights Irish Arda Belfield
        Benares Street Irish Sráid Benares
        Benraw Gardens Irish Garraithe Bheann Rátha
        Benraw Green Irish Faiche Bheann Rátha
        Benraw Road Irish Bóthar Bheann Rátha
        Benraw Terrace Irish Ardán Bheann Rátha
        Benwee Park Irish Páirc na Binne Buí
        Bingnian Way Irish Bealach Shliabh Binneáin
        Bombay Street Irish Sráid Bombay
        Braemar Street Irish Sráid Bhráigh Mharr
        Brighton Street Irish Sráid Brighton
        Broadway Irish An Bealach Leathan
        Brooke Manor Irish Mainéar an tSrutháin
        Bryson Court Irish Cúirt Uí Bhriosáin
        Bryson Gardens Irish Garraithe Uí Bhriosáin
        Bryson Street Irish Sráid Uí Bhriosáin
        Cairns Street Irish Sráid Uí Chiaráin
        Carrick Hill Irish Cnoc na Carraige
        Catherine Street Irish Sráid Chaitríona
        Cavendish Court Irish Cúirt Chaibhendis
        Cavendish Square Irish Cearnóg Chaibhendis
        Cavendish Street Irish Sráid Chaibhendis
        Cawnpore Street Irish Sráid Cawmpore
        Chemical Street Irish Sráid na gCeimiceán
        Churchill Street Irish Sráid Churchill
        Clandeboye Drive Irish Céide Chlann Aodha Buí
        Clandeboye Gardens Irish Gairdíní Chlann Aodha Buí
        Clifton Street Irish Sráid Clifton
        Clonard Crescent Irish Corrán Chluain Ard
        Clonard Heights Irish Arda Chluain Ard
        Clonard Place Irish Plás Chluain Ard
        Clonard Rise Irish Mala Chluain Ard
        Clonard Street Irish Sráid Chluain Ard
        Clyde Court Irish Cúirt Chluaidh
        Comber Court Irish Cúirt an Chomair
        Comber Gardens Irish Gairdíní an Chomair
        Conway Link Irish Nasc Mhic Con Midhe
        Conway Place Irish Plás Mhic Con Midhe
        Conway Square Irish Cearnóg Mhic Con Midhe
        Cois Cluana Park Irish Páirc Cois Cluana
        Colinpark street Irish Sráid Pháirc Chollan
        Colinview Street Irish Sráid Radharc Chollan
        Colinward Street Irish Sráid Bharda Chollan
        Colligan Street Irish Sráid Uí Cholgan
        Cooke Street Irish Sráid Cooke
        Corby Way Irish Bealach Corby
        Creeve Walk Irish Siúlán na Craoibhe
        Cromac Street Irish Sráid Chromóige
        Cupar Street Irish Sráid Chúbair
      • Approved streets (D to F)
        Street Language Translation
        David Street Irish Sráid Dhaibhéid
        Dart Hill Irish Cnoc Shliabh Dart
        Devenish Court Irish Cúirt Dhaimhinse
        Doon Road Irish Bóthar an Dúin
        Dromara Street Irish Sráid Dhroim mBearach
        Dunlewey Walk Irish Siúlán Dhún Lúiche
        Dunmisk Park Irish Páirc Dhún Meascáin
        Dunmisk Terrace Irish Ardán Dhún Meascáin
        Dunmore Street Irish Sráid Dhún Mór
        Earlscourt Street Irish Sráid Chúirt an Iarla
        Edenmore Drive Irish Céide Éadan Mór
        Edgar Street Irish Sráid Edgar
        Elswick Street Irish Sráid Elswick
        Essex Grove Irish Garrán Essex
        Errigal Park Irish Páirc na hEaragaile
        Falcarragh Drive Irish Céide an Fháil Charraigh
        Falls Court Irish Cúirt na bhFál
        Falls Road Irish Bóthar na bhFál
        Fallswater Drive Irish Céide Uisce na bhFál
        Fallswater Street Irish Sráid Uisce na bhFál
        Farnham Street Irish Sráid Fhearnáin 
        Forest Street Irish Sráid na Foraoise
        Forfar Lane Irish Lána Fharfair
        Forfar Street Irish Sráid Fharfair
        Forfar Way Irish Bealach Fharfair
        Fort Street Irish Sráid an Dúin
      • Approved streets (G to I)
        Street Language Translation
        Glencourt Irish Cúirt an Ghleanna
        Glen Crescent Irish Corrán an Ghleanna
        Glen Grove Irish Garrán an Ghleanna
        Glen Manor Irish Mainéar an Ghleanna
        Glen Parade Irish Paráid an Ghleanna
        Glencolin Avenue Irish Ascaill Ghleann Chollann
        Glencolin Court Irish Cúirt Ghleann Chollann
        Glencolin Grove Irish Garrán Ghleann Chollann
        Glencolin Rise Irish Ard Ghleann Chollann
        Glencolin Walk Irish Siúlán Ghleann Chollann
        Glencolin Way Irish Bealach Ghleann Chollann
        Glenshane Gardens Irish Garraithe Ghleann Sheáin
        Gortfin Street Irish Sráid an Ghoirt Fhionn
        Harper Street Irish Sráid Harper
        Hatfield Street Irish Sráid Hatfield
        Hawthorn Hill Irish Cnoc na Sceiche
        Hillhead Crescent Irish Corrán an Mhullaigh
        Hillhead Court Irish Cúirt an Mhullaigh
        Hillhead Drive Irish Céide an Mhullaigh
        Hillhead Heights Irish Arda an Mhullaigh
        Hillhead Park Irish Páirc an Mhullaigh
        Horn Drive Irish Céide Binne
        Horn Walk Irish Siúlán Binne
        Iris Court Irish Cúirt na Seileastar
        Iris Drive Irish Céide na Seileastar
        Islandbawn Drive Irish Céide an Oileáin Bháin
        Islandbawn Street Irish Sráid an Oileáin Bháin
        Iveagh Drive Irish Céide Uíbh Eachach
        Iveagh Parade Irish Paráid Uíbh Eachach
      • Approved streets (J to M)
        Street Language Translation
        John Street Irish Sráid Eoin
        Kashmir Road Irish Bóthar na Caismíre
        Kennedy Way Irish Bealach Uí Chinnéide
        Kildare Street Irish Sráid Chill Dara
        Killeen Park Irish Páirc an Choillín
        Kilmore Close Irish Clós na Cille Móire
        Kilmore Square Irish Cearnóg na Cille Móire
        Koram Ring Irish Fáinne Mhullach Cothrom
        Lagmore View Irish Radharc an Laig Mhóir
        La Salle Gardens Irish Garraithe La Salle
        Lenadoon Avenue Irish Ascaill Léana an Dúin
        Lough Lea Irish Loch Lao
        Lower Regent Street Irish Sráid an Leasrí Íochtarach
        Madrid Court Irish Cúirt Maidrid
        Madrid Street Irish Sráid Maidrid
        Malcolmson Street Irish Sráid Mhic Mhaolcholaim
        McAtamney Terrace Irish Ardán Mhic an Tiompánaigh
        McGurks Way Irish Bealach Mhig Oirc
        McQuillan Street Irish Sráid Mhic Uilín
        Millennium Way Irish Bealach na Mílaoise
        Moira Court Irish Cúirt Mhaigh Rath
        Monagh Crescent Irish Corrán na Móna
        Monagh Drive Irish Céide na Móna
        Monagh Grove Irish Garrán na Móna
        Monagh Parade Irish Paráid na Móna
        Monagh Road Irish Bóthar na Móna
        Mount Pottinger Link Irish Lúb Thulach Phoitinséir
        Mount Pottinger Road Irish Bóthar Thulach Phoitinséir
        Mounteforde Drive Irish Céide Thulach Forde
        Mounteforde Road Irish Bóthar Thulach Forde
        Mountforde Court Irish Cúirt Thulach Forde
        Mountforde Gardens Irish Garraithe Thulach Forde
        Mountforde Park Irish Páirc Thulach Forde
      • Approved streets (N to Q)
        Street Language Translation
        Nansen Street Irish Sráid Nansen
        Norglen Gardens Irish Garraithe an Ghleanna Thuaidh
        Norglen Parade Irish Paráid an Ghleanna Thuaidh
        Norglen Road Irish Bóthar an Ghleanna Thuaidh
        North Green Irish An Fhaiche Thuaidh
        North Howard Street Irish Sráid Howard Thuaidh
        North Link Irish An Nasc Thuaidh
        Odessa Street Irish Sráid Odása
        O'Neill Street Irish Sráid Uí Néill
        Oranmore Street Irish Sráid Órán Mór
        Oregon Gardens Ulster Scots Orkan Gardens
        Pepperhill Street Irish Sráid Chnoc an Phiobair
        Perry Court Irish Cúirt Perry
        Plunkett Court Irish Cúirt Phluncéid
        Pollard Close Irish Clós Pholaird
        Pollard Street Irish Sráid Pholaird
        Ponsonby Avenue Irish Ascaill Ponsonby
        Portland Place Irish Plás Portland
        Powerscourt Place Irish Plás Chúirt an Phaoraigh
      • Approved streets (R to T)
        Street Language Translation
        Regent Street Irish Sráid an Leasrí
        Rockville Street Irish Sráid Bhaile na Carraige
        Rose Street Irish Sráid na Rósanna
        Rosgoill Drive Irish Céide Ros Goill
        Rosgoill Gardens Irish Gairdíní Ros Goill
        Rosgoill Park Irish Páirc Ros Goill
        Rutland Street Irish Sráid Rutland
        Seaforde Court Irish Cúirt Suí Forde
        Seaforde Gardens Irish Garraithe Suí Forde
        Seaforde Street Irish Sráid Suí Forde
        Sevastopol Street Irish Sráid Seibheástopol
        Shanlieve Road Irish Bóthar Sheanshléibhe
        Shiels Street Irish Sráid Uí Shiail
        Short Strand Irish An Trá Ghearr
        Silverstream Park Ulster Scots Sillerburn Pairk
        Slemish Way Irish Bealach Shliabh Mis
        Slieveban Avenue Irish Ascaill an tSléibhe Bháin
        South Green Irish An Fhaiche Theas
        Springfield Avenue Irish Ascaill Chluanaí
        Springfield Crescent Irish Corrán Chluanaí
        Springfield Drive Irish Céide Chluanaí
        Springfield Road Irish Bóthar Chluanaí
        Springhill Rise Irish Mala Chnoc Chluanaí
        Springview Walk Irish Siúlán Radharc Chluanaí
        St Galls Avenue Irish Ascaill Naomh Gall
        St Matthews Court Irish Cúirt Naoimh Maitiú
        Stanhope Street Irish Sráid Stanhope
        Stephen Street Irish Sráid Stiofán
        Stockmans Court Irish Cúirt MhicGiolla Stoic
        Strand Close Irish Clós na Trá
        Strand Mews Irish Eachlann na Trá
        Strand Walk Irish Siúlán na Trá
        Tardree Park Irish Páirc an Aird Fhraoigh
        Thames Street Irish Sráid na Tamaise
        Trinity Street Irish Sráid na Tríonóide
        Trostan Way Irish Bealach Throstáin
        Tyrone Street Irish Sráid Thir Eoghain
      • Approved streets (V to Z)
        Street Language Translation
        Valleyside Close Irish Clós Leithghleanna
        Violet Street Irish Sráid na Sailchuaiche
        Vulcan Court Irish Cúirt Bholcáin
        Vulcan Gardens Irish Gairdíní Bholcáin
        Vulcan Link Irish Lúb Bholcáin
        Vulcan Street Irish Sráid Bholcáin
        Wall Street Irish Sráid an Bhalla
        Waterford Gardens Irish Garraithe Phort Láirge
        Waterford Street Irish Sráid Phort Láirge
        Waterford Way Irish Bealach Phort Láirge
        Waterville Street Irish Sráid an Choireáin
        Westway Crescent Ulster Scots Wastairt Bowe
        Whiterock Close Irish Clós na Carraige Báine
        Whiterock Road Irish Bóthar na Carraige Báine
  • Gaeltacht Quarter street signs project

    We have approved a proposal for the erection of dual language nameplates with the second language in Irish for 301 streets within the Gaeltacht Quarter in Belfast. This followed a consultation with residents which was conducted in January 2024 and the project received approval at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee meeting in April 2024. The list of streets approved and the translations are provided on this page. The translations have been provided by Queen's University who are our independent competent authority for translations in respect to our dual language street signs policy.

    This decision means that the normal process requiring individual applications and surveys for dual language street signs will not be required for these particular streets in the Gaeltacht Quarter.

    What happens next?

    We will be commencing a project to erect street signs in all 301 streets in June 2024 with an estimated project timescale to erect all signs within 6 months.

Streets approved for dual language street signs under the Gaeltacht Quarter Project

Contact us

For more information and advice, get in touch.

[email protected]

028 9027 0650

Building Control, Ground Floor, Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BP

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