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City centre

We’re working hard to make Belfast city centre a great place to live, work, visit, study and invest.

Our city centre has experienced challenges in recent years, including: 

  • the impact of Covid-19
  • changing work habits
  • the fire at Bank Buildings, and
  • economic pressures.

These have all changed how we use and view the city centre.

Our city centre has the ability to unlock growth for Belfast, introducing new spaces to live, work and play.

Along with our partners in the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), we support local businesses and enterprises. We work with statutory partners in areas where we don’t have the relevant powers, including roads and traffic management, because partnership is key to growing and developing our city.

Watch our city centre update video

You can read about what we’re doing to improve our city centre - from making sure it’s clean, green, safe and welcoming, to ensuring there’s plenty for you to see and do.

Watch our Belfast City Centre Update Video

This video is one minute and 38 seconds long.

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