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Local Development Plan

Preferred options paper (POP)

AD006_Preferred Options Paper Document List

Document Type
Preferred Options Paper (POP)
The POP outlines the vision, objectives and key planning issues affecting Belfast and considers options for growth. PDF
Preferred Options Paper summary
Preferred Options Paper youth summary
Preferred Options Paper leaflet

Sustainability Appraisal

Document Type 
Sustainability appraisal (Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) - Scoping report

The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) scoping report sets out the evidence base to inform the appraisal, establishes the SA framework and objectives, and includes feedback from the consultation body.

Sustainability appraisal (Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) - Interim report

The interim report consists of the SA scoping report and using the SA Framework, undertakes an assessment of reasonable alternatives to enable the determination of options in the Preferred Options Paper.

Sustainability appraisal (Incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) - Interim report non-technical summary

The non-technical summary has been prepared to accompany the interim report.


Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)

The Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) report sets out how we intend to promote equality of opportunity through the implementation of Phase 1 – Preferred Options Paper, in accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. 

Document Type
Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)

The EQIA Identifies the planning policy areas where the POP is likely to have impacts on Section 75 groups, and what mitigating impacts are included to alleviate them.


Supporting documents

Document Type
Countryside Assessment
The Countryside Assessment provides an overview of the existing environmental assets in the Belfast City Council area and how these are protected. It includes an environmental assets appraisal, a landscape assessment, a development pressure analysis, and a settlement appraisal. PDF
Belfast Housing Growth Options report
The Belfast housing growth options report considers the future population and housing growth of Belfast, with a reasonable range of potential population and household growth scenarios presented. PDF
Assessing Employment Space Requirements
The Assessing Employment Space Requirements document considers how the demand for employment space is likely to be affected by forecast employment growth in Belfast. PDF
Topic papers

A series of 18 topic papers prepared in early 2016 set out baseline information used to inform the Preferred Options Paper.


The report provides a summary of the representations received relating to the vision and strategic aims, as well as highlighting the responses to the preferred options. The Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Interim Report (SA) and Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) also went out for consultation during the same time and responses are all available to view in this report.

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