English is the principal language of Belfast City Council. However, we recognise the diverse nature of Belfast and Northern Ireland, and have taken steps to meet the demand for services in other languages.
This began with the development of our Language Policy in 2006, and then the launch of our Language Strategy in 2018. The strategy underpins future objectives and actions, while building on the legacy of our previous work.
The Language Strategy commits the council to taking action on:
- Irish
- Ulster Scots
- newcomer languages
- Sign Languages
- languages and communications for people with disabilities
Our strategy examines the use of these languages in engagement with residents and in signage, branding, forms, social media and our website.
Language Strategy Action Plan (2024 to 2027)
Following consultation, a Language Strategy Action plan was approved in June 2024. The action plan is organised by themes and sets out how we will deliver our commitments in the Language Strategy.
The action plan covers the following areas of work:
- Governance
- Access to council services
- Signing and branding
- Community, Education and Business
- Staff awareness and Training
- Engagement
View the Language Strategy Action Plan 2024 to 2027
Draft Irish Language Policy Consultation
We held a public consultation seeking your feedback on our draft Irish Language Policy. This closed on 28 November 2024.
Visit YourSay Belfast (link opens in new window)
Gabh chuig YourSay Belfast (Osclaíonn an nasc fuinneog nua)
Read our Draft Irish Language Policy (Dréachtpholasaí Gaeilge)
The draft policy sets out how we plan to promote Irish and use Irish across our services, including interpreting and translation, key documents and publications, signage at facilities, on our website and within our corporate identity, including our logo.
Getting a copy of the language strategy
You can read the language strategy or you can ask for a citizen's summary or an Easy Read version by emailing [email protected].