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Following the adoption of the Belfast Local Development Plan (LDP) Plan Strategy (PS) 2035 in May 2023, we have made a commitment to revise the existing Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) in line with the new policy. This is set out in appendix E of the PS (page 321).
We recently consulted on changes to the PBMSA SPG which will complement Policy HOU12 of the PS. Once adopted, this will replace the existing SPG on PBMSA introduced in 2016. Read more about the PBMSA Consultation (link opens in new window)
In 2016, we introduced Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) in Belfast. It gives extra advice and guidance to developers, the public and planning officers when working on planning applications for PBMSA developments in the City.
The guidance is structured into six planning issues, including:
The SPG was introduced following public consultation and a summary of the consultation responses and the changes made to the final guidance document is available. The guidance has also been subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening exercise and Equality and Good Relations screening.
We recommend that you read the SPG document alongside the wider regional and local planning policy context and our associated Best Practice Guide.
We have also developed a Best Practice Guide for Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) in Belfast which will encourage prospective developers to develop good quality PBMSA in the right locations.
This guide explains how new developments can be planned and designed before planning applications are submitted and provides advice in the following eight areas:
This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) provides additional advice and guidance specific to Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) in Belfast.
Read PBMSA Supplementary Planning Guidance
Provides a summary of the consultation process, comments received and changes made as a result during the preparation of the PBMSA SPG.
Reviews the impact of the PBMSA SPG on the environment in accordance with the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Regulations.
Summarises the Equality and Good Relations consideration taken into account when preparing the PBMSA SPG.
Read the equality screening document
Provides detailed, technical planning advice around the approach to PBMSA in Belfast and how good quality developments can be encouraged in the right locations.
Read the planning and place advice note
To request a copy of any of these documents in another format, email [email protected].