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Local Development Plan

Draft plan strategy documents

AD004 Submission Documents List (DPS)

 Draft Plan Strategy Documents
Document Title  PDF size
DPS001_Local Development Plan Draft Plan Strategy  16.7
DPS002_Draft Equality Impact Assessment  1.4
DPS003_Sustainability Appraisal Non-technical summary (August 2018)  1.2
DPS004_Sustainability Appraisal Report (August 2018)  5.0
DPS004A_Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendices 1-6 (August 2018)  4.9
DPS004B_Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendices 7-9 (August 2018)  4.2
DPS004C_Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendices 10-11 (August 2018)  6.4
DPS004D_Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendices 12 (August 2018)  1.1
DPS005_Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (August 2018)  2.5
DPS005A_Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Appendices (August 2018)  10.1
DPS006_Draft Habitat Regulations Assessment Report (August 2018)  5.6
DPS007_Technical Supplement 1- Population  3.6
DPS008_Technical Supplement 2- Housing  4.1
DPS009_Technical Supplement 3- Employment and economy  4.9
DPS010_Technical Supplement 4- Belfast city centre and retailing  1.4 
DPS011_Technical Supplement 5- Tourism  1.8
DPS012_Technical Supplement 6- Urban design and built heritage  3.2
DPS013_Technical Supplement 7- Natural heritage  2.0
DPS014_Technical Supplement 8- Open space, sport and outdoor recreation  2.0
DPS015_Technical Supplement 9- Flood risk  2.1
DPS016_Technical Supplement 10- Public services (health, education and community)  1.6
DPS017_Technical Supplement 11- Minerals  2.1
DPS018_Technical Supplement 12- Development in the countryside  1.9
DPS019_Technical Supplement 13- Renewable energy  1.5 
DPS020_Technical Supplement 14- Transportation  1.4
DPS021_Technical Supplement 15- Public utilities  1.4
DPS022_Technical Supplement 16- Environmental issues  2.6
DPS023_Technical Supplement 17- Transitional plan period designations  0.8
DPS023A_Map 01: Areas of high scenic value  10.8
DPS023AA_Map 27: Settlement developments limits  6.2
DPS023AB_Map 28: Shopping and commercial areas on arterial routes  9.0
DPS023AC_Map 29: Sites of local nature conservation importance 15.0 
DPS023AD_Map 30: Stormont Office node  0.3
DPS023B_Map 02: Areas of outstanding natural beauty 7.3
DPS023C_Map 03: Areas of parking restraint (city core) 2.3
DPS023D_Map 04: Areas of parking restraint (fringe area) 10.9
DPS023E_Map 05: Areas of townscape character 14.5
DPS023F_Map 06: Arterial routes 11.3
DPS023G_Map 07: Belfast harbour area  4.2
DPS023H_Map 08: Belfast hills access points  1.8
DPS023I_Map 09: Belfast hills operational area  15.4
DPS023J_Map 10: Belfast metropolitan area coastal area  1.6
DPS023K_Map 11: City centre  3.0
DPS023L_Map 12: Commercial nodes and area of parking restraint on arterial routes  2.6
DPS023M_Map 13: Community greenways
DPS023N_Map 14: District centres 1.3
DPS023O_Map 15: Employments areas  12.8
DPS023P_Map 16: Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) development nodes  6.0
DPS023Q_Map 17: Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) policy areas  6.3
DPS023R_Map 18: Lagan Valley Regional Park area  5.5
DPS023S_Map 19: Lagan Valley Regional Park nodes  0.7
DPS023T_Map 20: Landscape wedges  7.5
DPS023U_Map 21: Local centres  0.5
DPS023V_Map 22: Local landscape policy areas  20.2
DPS023W_Map 23: Local nature reserves  1.1
DPS023X_Map 24: Primary retail core  0.6
DPS023Y_Map 25: Primary retail frontage  0.4
DPS023Z_Map 26: Queens office area  1.3
 Draft Plan Strategy Evidence 
Document Title  PDF size (MB)
DPS024_Housing Market Analysis Update 2.7
DPS026_Size and type of housing needed- Addendum 1.5
DPS027_Residential densities: A comparative study  9.0
DPS028_Urban Capacity study  1.1
DPS028A_Urban Capacity Study Appendix D - Drawings  2.8
DPS028B_Appendix F- Summary Spreadsheet  0.8
POP006_Housing growth options report  3.5
SD013A_Appendix G- Housing Monitor pro formas P1  13.0
SD013B_Appendix G- Housing Monitor pro formas P2  18.9
DPS029_Retail and leisure capacity study 12.7 
SD013C_Appendix G - Approved Employment Sites and New Sites (Housing and Employment) pro formas  15.2
DPS030_Office sector study  2.8
DPS032_Rural Needs Impact Assessment  1.0
POP005_Countryside Assessment  5.2
POP007_Assessing Employment Space requirements  0.9
AD003_The Belfast Agenda  6.7
SD008_Housing Land Availability Summary Report 2015-2016  1.1
SD009_Housing Land Availability Summary Report 2016-2017  0.8
SD010_Housing Land Availability Summary Report 2017-2018  1.5
SD011_Housing Land Availability Summary Report 2018-2019  1.5
 Self-Assessment Documents 
Document Title  PDF size
SD004_Self- assessment of soundness 1.0
SD004A_Appendix 1: Full list of tests set out within DPP note 6 0.7
SD004B_Appendix 2: The Planning (LDP) Regulations (NI) 2015 Tests  0.8
SD004C_Appendix 3: LDP Timetables  2.0
SD004D_Appendix 4: LDP Timetables- DFI approved letters  0.7
SD004E_Appendix 5: Public Notices  2.8
SD004F_Appendix 6: Engagement with consultation bodies before publishing POP  0.5
SD004G_Appendix 7: Notification to consultation bodies regarding availability of the POP  0.4
SD004H_Appendix 8: Notification to consultation bodies regarding availability of the DPS  0.5
SD004I_Appendix 9: Notification to consultation bodies regarding availability of representation on DPS  0.3 
SD004J_Appendix 10- Regard to other plans, policies and strategies (adjoining councils)  0.6
SD004K_Appendix 11- Thematic Working groups and other meetings with consultation bodies in preparing DPS  1.2
SD005_LDP compliance report with SCI  1.3
AD001_Statement of Community Involvement (Revised March 2018)  1.6
AD002_Belfast Local Development Plan Timetable (Revised November 2018)  0.7
 Preferred Options Paper Documents 
Document Title  PDF size
POP001_Preferred Options Paper (POP) 8.9
POP001A_Preferred option Paper summary 2.6
POP001B_Preferred Options Paper youth summary  3.3
POP001C_Preferred Options Paper leaflet  1.1
POP003_Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report (POP)  7.8
POP004_Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report (POP) Non-technical summary  1.6
POP026_Preferred Options Paper Consultation Report  10.0
 Draft Plan Strategy Consultation Reports 
Document Title  PDF size
SD006_Draft Plan Strategy public consultation report & Appendices A, B, C & D 1-7 6.2
SD006A_ConRep Appendix D1 - Belfast LDP Submission Topic Paper- 2015 employment baseline 2.7
SD006B_ConRep Appendix D2 - Belfast LDP Submission Topic Paper- 2015 housing baseline  5.1
SD006C_ConRep Appendix D3 - Transport  22.6
SD006D_ConRep Appendix D4 - Market Impact Report (April 2019)  1.0
SD006E_ConRep Appendix D5 -Technical Response to Housing Comments  1.0
SD006F_ConRep Appendix D6 - Belfast LDP Submission Topic Paper- Regional growth comparison  1.4
SD006G_ConRep Appendix D7 - Infrastructure Baseline Report 1.2 
SD007_DPS counter-representations report  1.7
 Draft Plan Strategy Representations 
Document Title  PDF size
SD012_Representations Contents 0.1
Copies of all Representations - available in Draft Plan Strategy Representations   
Copies of all Counter Representations - available in Draft Plan Strategy Representations 

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