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Fiji banded iguana

Brachylophus fasciatus

The male Fiji banded iguana is much more brightly coloured than the female. He has light blue to white bands on a bright green background. She only has faint banding or spotting. Both have yellow underbellies and yellow-rimmed nostrils. They can change their skin colour to blend in with their surroundings. When threatened, the iguanas turn black, as a threat. When Fijian banded iguanas are courting, their colour intensifies and they start bobbing their heads at each other.

They are threatened by introduced species such as black rats, feral cats, goats and domestic pigs. Habitat destruction and the pet trade also have an impact. 

The Fiji banded iguana can grow up to 60cm long including the tail.

IUCN Status

The IUCN status of the Fiji banded iguana is endangered.


For more info on classifications visit (link opens in new window).

  Fun fact They spend most of their time in trees

Animal class


Conservation status

Fiji banded iguanas are facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.


Rainforests – in high cloud forests to low-lying coastal swaps on several of the Fiji Islands.


Decreasing with 8,000 – 22,000 left in the wild.


Omnivore – eats leaves, fruit, flowers and insects.

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